Depending if you are working in a shopping cart or an open PO (i.e., a PO that has not yet been submitted), the means to add a specific vendor product is different. Refer to the appropriate article below.
Adding Specific Vendor Products to a Shopping Cart
To add a specific vendor product to a shopping cart, complete the following steps:
- If not already open, open the existing shopping cart record. When you open an existing shopping cart record, it opens to its Populate Cart screen (screenshot below).
- Click the Add Item button and select Shop (first screenshot below). The Product Search screen appears (second screenshot below).
- In the Search field, either enter the food item you are searching for or the specific product (either by description, product ID, or brand), and click Go. The screen returns items and their linked products that match your search criteria. The products listed for each item are listed in the system buying rules order.
- Via the Filters tool, you can filter the search results displayed onscreen via brand, vendor, and availability. After selecting a filter, click GO to refresh the screen with the results.
- Via the Sort By tool, you can sort the results by one of the following methods:
- Best Matched - sorts results by best match based what is entered in the Search field.
- Alphabetical - sorts results alphabetically by the product name.
- To see details and nutrient info about a product (second screenshot below), click its Product link (first screenshot below).
- In the Qty field for a vendor product, enter the quantity to be ordered.
- Click the Add to Cart button. The vendor product is added to the cart, and the Add to Cart button changes to Added to indicate the product has been added.
Note: If you wanted to add the vendor product to an existing or new shopping list, click its shopping list icon (), and from the pop-up that appears select an existing shopping list, or create a new shopping list, and add the quantity to be added to the shopping list.
- Repeat the above steps to add other vendor products to the cart.
- To return to the cart, click To Cart at the top left corner of the screen.
Adding Specific Vendor Product to an Open PO
To add a specific vendor product to an open PO (i.e., a PO that has not yet been submitted), complete the following steps:
- Select Procurement > Purchase Orders to open the Purchase Orders Listing screen.
- For the open PO you want to open, click its PO number link in the PO Number column. The Review Order screen appears (screenshot below).
- Click the Add Item button and the Add Items to Cart slide-out panel appears.
- Select the Vendor Products search option and utilize the following filters as needed: .
- Vendors - filter by vendors.
- Product Brand - filter by the product brands associated with the vendor products
- Stock Item Category - filter by the stock item category associated with the vendor product.
- Exclude Items already in the cart - the search results will not return a vendor product already in the shopping cart.
- In the Search field, enter the product you are searching for, either by description or by product ID, and click Go. The Search Results section returns items that match your search and filter criteria.
- To see details and nutrient info about the vendor product, click its eye icon (
- For a product you want to add, click its + icon. The product appears in the Food to Add section. Repeat the above steps to add other products.
- In the Amount field for a vendor product, enter the quantity to be ordered.
- Click the Add Items(s) To Cart button. The vendor product is added to the cart. (Note that it does not appear with an associated food item).