- What is a Modifier Prompt?
- How is a Modifier Prompt Different from a Modifier Grid?
- How to Create a Modifier Prompt
- How to Sort Modifiers in a Modifier Prompt
- How to Assign a Modifier Prompt to an Item
- Associating a Category with a Modifier Prompt in Touch Admin
What is a Modifier Prompt?
A modifier prompt is a pop-up (screenshot below) containing extras or add-ons that can be added to a menu item or product when that menu item or product is added to an order by a POS user. A modifier prompt is called such because it automatically appears onscreen when a menu item or product is added to an order, forcing the POS user to make a selection (i.e., it "prompts" the user).
How is a Modifier Prompt Different from a Modifier Grid?
Modifier Grid
- A modifier grid is a general grid containing many modifiers, and only appears if the POS user remembers to tap an item after that item has been added to the order.
- A modifier grid is configured in Touch Admin (see Activating and Configuring the POS Modifiers Grid or more information).
Modifier Prompt
- A modifier prompt is customizable to a specific item, and appears automatically as soon as the POS user taps the item. Modifier(s) must be selected by a POS user before the item is added to the order.
- A modifier prompt is configured by a POS user who has access to the POS Manager app. A Touch Admin user at your facility has the ability to provide you or other designated POS users access to the POS Manager app. Alternatively, a Mealsuite Support representative can provide access to the POS Manager app. The instructions to provide access to POS Manager are here: Giving POS User Access to POS Manager.
How to Create a Modifier Prompt
A POS user who has access to the POS Manager module in POS is able to create modifier prompts. The steps to do so are as follows:
- In POS, from the Tools menu at the top right of the screen, select POS Manager. The POS Manager screen appears.
- From the menu on the right side, select Modifier Prompts. The Modifier Prompts screen appears, listing any existing modifier prompts.
- Select the Add Modifier Prompt button. The Modifier Prompt Add/Edit screen appears.
- In the Modifier prompt name field, enter a name for the modifier prompt (e.g., "Burger Toppings").
- At the right of the screen, tap the Add New Modifier link. The Add Modifier pop-up appears.
- Depending on the modifier type, refer to the appropriate bulleted step below.
- Text Modifier - enter the name for the modifier and, optionally, its price.
- Menu Category - by selecting a menu category, then any items within that category will available as a modifier, but only if that category happens to be available in the same meal plan and date the modifier prompt triggers for.
- Product - allows you to select a POS product as a modifier.
- Tap Add to add the modifier to the modifier prompt.
- Repeat steps 5 - 7 to add other modifiers to the modifier prompt.
How to Sort Modifiers in a Modifier Prompt
The steps to sort the modifiers in a modifier prompt are as follows:
- In POS, from the Tools menu at the top right of the screen, select POS Manager. The POS Manager screen appears.
- From the menu on the right side, select Modifier Prompts. The Modifier Prompts screen appears, listing any existing modifier prompts.
- Tap the modifier prompt whose modifiers you want to sort. The Modifier Prompt Add/Edit screen appears.
- You set the sort order of the modifiers by tapping, holding, and dragging a modifier row to its desired spot in the list.
How to Assign a Modifier Prompt to an Item
After a modifier prompt is created (as per above steps), it can then be assigned to a menu item. The steps to do so are as follows:
- In POS, from the Tools menu at the top right of the screen, select POS Manager. The POS Manager screen appears.
- From the menu on the right side, select POS Item Management. The POS Item Management screen appears.
- Select or enter the following to determine the menu items to display:
- Location - select the POS location.
- Date
- Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
- To open a menu item or product, click its edit icon (
- On the right side of the screen, tap + Add New Modifier Prompt. The Add/Edit Modifier Prompt appears.
- From the Search Existing Modifier Prompt, select the modifier prompt to assign to the item.
- In the Min Choices field, select if there is a minimum number of modifiers that must be selected by the POS user. For example, if the modifier prompt is "Meat Temperature", you would want a minimum of one selection to be made by the POS user (i.e., a meat temperature needs to be selected).
- In the Max Choices field, select if there is maximum number of modifiers that the POS user cannot exceed for the item. For example, if the modifier prompt is "Meat Temperature" you would want a maximum of one selection to be made by the POS user (i.e., more than one temperature cannot be selected).
- Tap Save to apply your changes. The newly-added modifier prompt appears for the item.
- Repeat steps 5 to 9 to add another modifier prompt.
Associating a Category with a Modifier Prompt in Touch Admin
For expediency, in Touch Admin there is the means to associate a category with a created modifier prompt. Therefore, in POS, when an item is selected and that item belongs to a category with an associated modifier prompt, the modifier prompt will appear for that item. For instructions to associate a category with a modifier prompt, see Associating a Category with a Modifier Prompt in Touch Admin.