Adding a Room to a Residence Area
To add a room or rooms to a residence area, complete the following steps:
- Select Tools & Setup > Residences Builder. The Facility Builder screen appears with the Residences Builder tab selected by default.
- Expand the floor and click the residence area you want to add a room to.
- Click the ADD ROOM(S) link (first screenshot below). The Add Rooms pop-up appears (second screenshot below).
- In the Room Name field, enter the room name or number. To create additional Room Name fields to add more than one room, click the ADD Room link (or press Enter on your keyboard) for each new room you want to add.
- When finished, click the Add Rooms button. You are returned to the Residences Builder screen where the newly-added rooms are listed.
Removing a Room from a Residence Area
If no people are assigned to a bed of a room, then that room can be removed from a residence area in the system. To do so, complete the following steps:
- Select Tools & Setup > Residences Builder. The Facility Builder screen appears with the Residences Builder tab selected by default.
- Expand the floor and click the residence area for the room you want to remove.
- For the room you want to remove, either click its gear icon or click one of its bed names (first screenshot below). The Edit/Remove Room pop-up appears (second screenshot below).
- Click the Delete [room] button. The room is removed from the residence area.
Note: The Delete [room] button is not available if at least one bed in the room is assigned to a person.