MealSuite offers its Touch API to integrate with your own or 3rd-party application or system.
A unique API authorization key is required for each account in the MealSuite system and that has designated access rights. Not all endpoints listed below may be available depending on account permission and licensed functionality.
For assistance with obtaining an API authorization key, please contact MealSuite Support or your CSM (customer success manager).
Base Path
- Canadian Accounts: synergy.touch.mealsuite.com
- Revera Accounts: revera.touch.mealsuite.com
- US Accounts: mealsuite.touch.mealsuite.com
- Compass Group: myusuite.touch.mealsuite.com
Note: The hostname in the base path depends on your account's location and system.
API Endpoints
Click an endpoint below to see what's included in its request and response.
Get Menu By Menu Location
Get Menu by Menu Location (GET) - display your menu on a non-Mealsuite device, such as a large display screen. For a requested date and meal period (i.e., breakfast, lunch, dinner), the response contains menu item name, amount and unit of measure, and category name.
Meal Participation
Meal Participation (GET) - track when a resident has or has not placed an order for a selected meal service (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and day. If a resident has not placed an order, it can indicate a wellness check may be required for that resident.