- About Gift Cards
- Creating a Gift Card Profile
- Creating a Gift Card Load Product
- Tracking Issued Gift Cards
About Gift Cards
POS can be configured to sell gift cards and keep track of each gift card issued to view its balance and other details.
Setting up gift cards in POS first involves creating a gift card profile and then creating the “gift card load product” that can be sold under a gift card profile.
Creating a Gift Card Profile
About Gift Card Profiles
The gift card profile contains the organization’s accounting system parameters (business line, department, and liability GL account). Transactions from gift cards issued under that profile will be recorded against the account system parameters of the profile.
Note: Accounting system parameters are first set up by your MealSuite CSM (customer success manager) or MealSuite Support to be available for assigning to a category (if you are MealSuite staff, click here for the internal documentation on setting up accounting system parameters).
In addition, if the gift card profile is created at a parent facility, then there is the option to choose the child facilities that can issue gift cards under that parent gift card profile. If a gift card is issued under a parent gift card profile, then that gift card can be used not only at the facility it was sold from but also all other child facilities of the parent facility.
Creating a Gift Card Profile
To create a gift card profile, complete the following steps:
- In Touch Admin, select POS Settings > Gift Cards. The Gift Card Profile screen appears.
- In the Gift Card Profiles section, click the Add a Gift Card Profile button.
- Enter or select the following:
- Name - enter the name of the gift card profile. If the profile is being created at a parent-level facility, it is recommended to enter a name that indicates such.
- Business line, Department and Liability GL Account - select the accounting system parameters of the profile. Transactions from gift cards sold under that profile will be recorded against the account system parameters of the profile. Note: Accounting system parameters are first set up by your MealSuite CSM (customer success manager) or MealSuite Support to be available for assigning to a category (if you are MealSuite staff, click here for the internal documentation on setting up accounting system parameters).
- Authorized Secondary Facilities - if the facility is a parent facility with existing child facilities, then you can enter the child facilities that the gift card profile will be available. When a child facility sells a gift card from a parent gift card profile, then that gift card can be used at all other child facilities of the parent.
- Click the Save button to apply your changes
- You are returned to the main screen where the newly-added gift card profile is listed in the Gift Card Profiles section.
Creating a Gift Card Load Product
Before creating a gift card load product:
- Ensure a gift card profile exists for the product to be issued under.
- Create an appropriate category to assign the product to (it is recommended to create a category named “Gift Card”). Apply the category to non-food products and associate it with an appropriate asset GL account.
With the above completed, you can then create a gift card load product. To do so, complete the following steps:
- In Touch Admin, select POS Settings > Products. The POS Products screen appears.
- Click the Add a Product button. The Add a Product screen appears.
- Select of enter the following information:
- Gift Profile - select the gift card profile that will apply to the gift card
- Starting Balance - enter the balance of the gift card
- Notes - enter any notes/comments regarding the gift card
- Identification Number - enter a unique ID number for the gift card in the system.
- Expiration Date - you have the option of entering an expiration date for the gift card.
- Click the Submit button. You are returned to the main page, where the newly-added gift card load product is listed.
Tracking Issued Gift Cards
When a resident purchases a gift card at a POS location, its barcode is scanned and a record is created in the MealSuite system with details of the gift card and its current balance. Each time the gift card is used in a purchase, its balance is adjusted accordingly.
A facility can track the gift cards it issued and any gift card issued by any child facilities under it by going to POS Settings > Gift Cards. The Issued Gift Card section lists the records of each issued gift card. The record is explained as follows:
- The Issued By Facility column indicates the facility that issued the gift card, the issued date, and any expiry date on the gift card.
- The Balances displays the current balance of the gift card and its original starting balance.
- The Notes column displays any notes that were entered for the gift card load product when it was originally created.
- The Identification column displays the unique code of the gift card and any secure code.