What is My Meal Orders?
My Meal Orders allows residents/patients to place advance orders for their own meals. As such, it is an excellent feature to help alleviate staffing shortages that facilities can experience (see My Meal Orders for Residents/Patients for more information).
Contact MealSuite support or your customer success manager (CSM) to enable My Meal Orders for your facility and inform them of the number of days available to residents/patients for them to place their advance orders.
If you are MealSuite staff, click here for the internal article on enabling My Meal Orders.
Setting Cutoff Times for My Meal Orders
Cutoff times to place My Meal Orders for breakfast, lunch and dinner can be set up. To do so, complete the following steps:
- In Touch Admin, select Ordering Settings > Configuration. The My Meal Orders section is displayed at the top of the screen.
- For each meal service (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), enter the cutoff time for when a My Meal Order can be placed.
- Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the Update Ordering Configuration button to apply your changes.