About Products Shipped Directly from Manufacturer
Certain products are not available to be shipped from the vendor DC and instead are shipped directly from the product manufacturer via a 3rd-party carrier (e.g., UPS or FedEx). Such products are identified with an attribute that is specific to the vendor, such as Direct (first screenshot below) or Demand (second screenshot below).
A product shipped directly from a manufacturer will have a separate delivery date from the products shipped from the vendor DC. Such products are listed in a separate Items Shipped Separately section on the cart and PO, with the estimated delivery date if ordered today.
In addition, depending on the vendor, if you hover your cursor over the Demand or Direct label, a pop-up appears containing the estimated delivery date if you place the order today.
Note Regarding Vendor-Specific Functionality
Because each vendor can handle products that are shipped directly from the manufacturer differently, there may be exceptions to the information documented above. You can reach out to MealSuite Support or your CSM (customer service representative) to learn if there are exceptions.
If you are MealSuite Support or a CSM, see the following internal article on vendor-specific functionality related to products that are shipped directly from the manufacturer: Purchase Order Functionality Specific to Vendors (INTERNAL).