A POS dining room location can be enabled with table reservation capability that can be managed in host mode. To enable reservations, complete the following steps:
- In Touch Admin, click POS Setting > Locations.
- Click the Edit button of the dining room location you want to set up reservations for.
- Click the Reservations tab.
- Select the Enable Reservations checkbox. The screen refreshes with the reservation settings.
- You enter the default reservation settings for each meal service (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner). Via the Configure reservation settings for dropdown, you have the option of entering settings for the whole week (i.e., the same settings for each day of the week), or entering settings for each day of the week.
- For each meal service, select or enter the settings, described as follows:
Default Reservations Length (minutes) - enter the default length of time (in minutes) a table will be reserved for (e.g., 60). This time can be adjusted by the POS operator.
Start Time and End Time - select the time period for which reservations can be seated for the meal service. For example, Dinner reservations can be seated between 16:00 and 19:00.
Note: To not allow reservations for a meal service, enter 00:00 for both Start Time and End Time. And in all other fields for the meal service, enter 0.
Max Capacity Total - this field automatically defaults to the seating capacity of the dining area associated with the POS location, but can be increased or decreased as needed.
Max Reservations per 15 Minutes - enter the maximum number of total reservations that can be booked within a 15 minute interval; this ensures there is not a large rush of tables at one interval, and instead is spread out through the meal service time that is set via the Start Time and End Time above.
Table Block Timing - enter the pre-reservation length of time a table appears "blocked" for prior to its actual reservation time; this to prevent a diner from being seated at a reserved table prior to its reservation time. For example, assume the Table Block Timing is set to 45 minutes and someone reserves a table for 5:00 PM, the system shows the table as reserved (i.e., blocked) at 4:15 PM (45 minutes prior to the 5:00 PM reservation).
Default Reservations Length (minutes) - enter the default length of time (in minutes) a table will be reserved for (e.g., 60). This time can be adjusted by the POS operator.
- Click the Save Location button to save your changes.