If your account is enabled with a Connect interface to your EHR, then when a profile has an unresolved message from the EHR, a red Connect alert label is displayed in the Alerts column.
Hovering your cursor over the alert displays "Unresolved Connect Messages".
To resolve a Connect message from the People Listing screen, click the person's profile by clicking their name. A pop-up specific to the data mapping issue appears. For the pop-up that appears, refer to its associated article for options to resolve its data mapping issues:
Resolve People pop-up - see Options when Resolving Unmapped Persons
Resolve Room pop-up - see Options when Resolving Room Data Mapping Issues
Resolve Intolerance & Allergen pop-up - Options when Resolving Allergen and Intolerance Data Mapping Issues
Resolve Diet Order pop-up - Options when Resolving Diet Order Data Mapping Issues