To swap meal services (e.g., lunch and dinner) for a whole menu, you will first create a blank menu and then use the Copy Menu function on the new menu to copy the items from the existing menu, and while doing so swap the desired meal services (i.e., lunch to dinner, and dinner to lunch). Complete the following steps:
- Create a new menu from scratch, ensuring to select the same weeks and choices as the original menu. Depending on the menu type, refer to the appropriate instructions below:
- With a new blank menu created, then from the left navigation pane, select Menus > Copy Menu. the Copy Menu screen appears.
- From the field in the Select Items to Copy tab, select the original menu from which to copy items (i.e., the “copy from” menu). The screen refreshes with the various menu filter fields.
- By default, all but the Meals field has pre-selected content. Do not change. For the Meals field, select the meal service (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner), you want to copy from.
- Click the Next button. The screen refreshes to the Select Where to Copy tab.
- From the Copy to Menu field, select the new menu that you want to copy the items to. The screen refreshes accordingly.
- The screen is organized by weeks. For each day of each week, select the meal services to copy to, ensuring to swap the desired meal services. For example, if wanting to swap lunch and dinner from the original menu to the new menu, then from each Lunch to field select Dinner, and from each Dinner to field select Lunch.
- Click the Next button to preview your changes, and then click the Start Copy button to begin the copy. When the copy process is complete, the message “Copy successful!” appears, and you can click the Go To New Menu button to see the results.
- Schedule the new menu as needed.