About the POS Reporting Dashboard
The POS reporting dashboard provides a quick snapshot of net sales, order counts, and diner activity. This is ideal for managers needing a real-time overview of operations. The dashboard presents the following sections:
- Net Sales - A simple gauge of net sales orders fulfilled via POS for the date range selected. The dashboard provides a quick overview at-a-glance for busy managers. Net sales are gross sales less discounts.
- Net Sales by Day - Net Sales grouped by Day and shown over time period to track daily performance. Helps in tracking daily sales trends and identifying peak sales days.
Net Sales by Location - "Sum of all orders fulfilled via POS and compared across locations.
Net = Gross Sales - Discounts" - Order Count - A simple gauge showing the count of all unique orders fulfilled via POS for the date range selected so Managers can quickly determine order volume to date.
- Orders by Diner Type - Count of all diners placing an order withing a given time period by Diner Type: resident, staff or guest. Order count by diner type may be more than overall diner count due to more than one diner assigned to an order.
Each section is interactive; so by displaying your cursor over a graph or area, additional details appear.
Filtering Results
The following filter are available:
- Date
- Location
- Cashier
- Meal Period
- Item Type
- Diner Type
- Order Type
Downloading Results from a Dashboard Section
For each section on the dashboard, you can download its results in the following file types:
- .csv
- .xlsx
- .json
- .png
To do so, complete the following steps:
- For the section whose data you want to download, hover your cursor in the top right area of the section to display a hidden ellipsis (...).
- Click the ellipsis and then click Download results.
- From the resulting file types that appear (.csv, .xlsx, .json, .png), click the desired file type.
- The file is downloaded.