A meal period (breakfast, lunch, dinner) or snack time (snack am, snack pm, snack hs) can be marked as do not serve on a person’s personal menu. To do so, complete the following steps:
Open the person’s personal menu.
- At the top right corner, click the settings tool. The customization slide-out panel appears.
- The Diet Order field by default displays the person’s currently-assigned diet order (diet type and texture type), which is indicated by the blue user icon. You can only add a personal customization to the person’s currently assigned diet order, so therefore ensure it is selected in the Diet Order field.
If the person’s currently-assigned diet order consists of different texture types for meal periods and snack times, then those texture types (combined with the primary diet type) are available in the Diet Order field with the blue user icon, as per screenshot below. Therefore personal customizations can be added to them. (For more on what diet orders are displayed in the Diet Order field, see Viewing Personal Menu Customization Grid > Diet Order Field). - Click Add New > Do Not Serve. The Do Not Serve pop-up appears.
- Ensure the Menu Categories option is selected.
- In the first field, select the meal period or snack times you want to mark as do not serve.
Note: If the person’s currently-assigned diet order consists of different texture types for meal periods and snack times, then those texture types (combined with the primary diet type) are available from the Diet Order field for you to select (step 3 above). The first field in the pop-up therefore only displays the meal periods/snack times the selected texture type is associated with.
- In the second field, ensure All Menu Categories is selected.
- the Save button to apply your changes and close the pop-up. The personal menu is updated accordingly by removing all items from the selected meal periods/snack times.