POS v3.19.0 was released on September 24, 2024, and contains the following:
UI Improvement for the Forced Modifier Prompt
The Item Options modal (aka Forced Modifiers prompt) that automatically appears when a item/product is selected on the POS front-end has undergone a design change for an improved user experience.
- The X button from top right corner of the modal has been removed, and replaced with a Cancel button at bottom of the prompt.
- If selecting the Continue with Order button and a minimum requirement has not been met for a section, the modal automatically scrolls to the section that requires a selection with the following message "Select at least x item(s) to continue with order".
- Tapping outside the modal no longer closes the modal.
- A border has been placed around each modifier.
- When the maximum selection for a section is one, then a radio button (circle ) appears for each option.
- If a maximum is met for a section, then other options are not available for selection.
(Internal reference: POSV3-2665)
UI Improvement for the Product Add/Edit Window and Menu Item Product Add/Edit Window
The Add/Edit window that appears when adding a product (Product Add/Edit window; first screenshot below)) or editing a menu item (Menu Item Add/Edit window; second screenshot below) via POS Manager Module > POS Item Management has undergone UI changes.
- The back arrow has been replaced with a Back orange button at the top left of the window.
- The size of the Save button has been increased
- A border has been added around the + Add New Modifier Prompt button (which appears after a product has been added).
- When a forced modifier is added to a menu item or product, the edit icon in the Actions column now appears with the Edit Min & Max Choices text.
(Internal reference: POSV3-2598)
UI Improvement for POS Dining Room Navigation
The UI experience for dining room navigation has been improved.
For a tablet (landscape view), the following improvements have been implemented:
- GO TO HOST MODE has been changed to HOST MODE.
- In the header at top right, FLOOR PLAN, HOST MODE, TO GO ORDERS are now three fixed tabs.
- FLOOR PLAN is the default view
- When navigating to a tab, only the screen changes and the header view stays the same.
- Changed the title of the Current Orders panel to Table Listings panel.
- Replaced Current Status column with Diners/Total Seats column.
- Moved current status below the table number and inside a color-coded pill.
- When selecting a table, it is highlighted with a light blue background inside the Table Listings panel.
- The Table Listings panel remains on the left of the screen while the table overview section appears on the right (previously, the Table Listings panel moved to the right of the table overview section).
- Moved the Checkout button to the bottom of the table overview section (on the right) to make it obvious that it is related to the selected table.
- Added the table name to the Checkout button (e.g., Checkout - Table 2) to clearly communicate that this will be for the whole table when tapped.
- Added a Back to Floor Plan button at the bottom of the table overview section (next to the Checkout button) to return to the Floor Plan view.
- Added names at the top of each seat to clearly show which resident is assigned to which seat.
- Added Assign a Diner text on the empty seat tabs.
- When a diner is assigned, the seat number is still displayed.
- For the Time Seated in the Table Listings panel, updated the logic so that after five hours the text changes to 5h+ inside a red pill.
For an M50 device (portrait view), the following improvements have been implemented:
- Changed the title of the Current Orders to Table Listings.
- Added margin (spacing) around the numpad on the login page.
- Removed the POS icon on the header to save more space for long location names.
- Tab names of FLOOR PLAN, HOST MODE, TO GO ORDERS appear fixed in the header:
- Large tab size for easier selection.
- Horizontal scrolling of the tabs.
- When navigating to a tab, only the screen changes and the header view stays the same.
- When the Floor Plan tab is selected, the Table Listings view is shown by default.
- Replaced Current Status column with Diners/Total Seats column,
- Moved current status below the table number and inside a color-coded pill.
- A See Floor Plan button is at the bottom of the screen to allow users see a map view of tables/seats.
- In Host Mode view:
- Updated tab title Current Orders to Table Listings.
- Converted tabs for Table Listings and Reservations to a toggle.
- Replaced Current Status column with Diners/Total Seats column,
- Moved current status below the table number and inside a color-coded pill.
- A See Floor Plan button is at the bottom of the screen to allow users see the map view of tables/seats.
- For the Time Seated in the Table Listings view, updated the logic so that after five hours the text changes to 5h+ inside a red pill.
(Internal reference: POSV3-2628)
Defect Fixes
- On POS front-end, fixed issue with Assign Diner modal mistakenly auto-assigning a previous diner (Internal reference: DEF-6797)
- Fixed internal issue with external webhook logs not showing. (Internal reference: DEF-6626)
Defect Fixes Since September 24, 2024
- Resolved issue with Checkout button missing in Table Overview view of M50 device. (Internal reference: DEF-6954)
- Fixed issue with floor plan on iOS® device. (Internal reference: DEF-6929)