Menu Board v5.3.0 was released on October 31, 2024, and introduces new options and features:
- A menu board can be configured to be non-interactive, such as what is required for a quick serve location.
- For the traditional interactive menu board, the button configuration at the top of the board has been updated and expanded.
- Current Meal button displays the currently-scheduled meal: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
- All Meals button displays all meals (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner) onscreen.
- Menu for the Week button has been shifted to the right and renamed from See Menu for the Week.
- Today's Menu button has been added to return screen to today's menu.
Also Available button can be configured to show Also Available menu items on a separate screen (and not listed alongside regular items).
- Vertical orientation of a menu board is now an option.
- Configuring of the menu board in Touch Admin has been improved with a new UI and new options. For more information and specific instructions, see: Creating and Editing a Menu Board Configuration.