The instructions below assume a diet intervention exists in your account to add a serving size adjustment to (if not, see Creating a Diet Intervention: First Steps). To add a serving size adjustment to a diet intervention:
- Select Tools & Setup > Diet Orders. The Diet Order Setting screen appears.
- Select the Interventions tab. The Interventions screen appears, listing existing interventions.
- Click the name of the intervention to edit.
- Scroll down to the Customizations List section and click the Add New button and select Serving Size Adjustment. The Serving Size Adjustment pop-up appears (second screenshot below).
- In the Meals field (top field), select what meal periods and snack times to apply the serving size adjustment.
- In the Menu Categories field (second field), select the menu category or categories to apply the serving size adjustment to. For example, the beverages category. Note the categories available depend on the meal periods and snack times selected above.
- In the Serving Size Adjustment field, select the required serving size adjustment.
- Click the Save button to apply the serving size adjustments to the personal menu.