A resident meal plan can be configured to allow a guest to charge meals against it. If so, then the workflow on the POS is as follows:
- When a guest is seated, the system asks if the person is the guest of a diner.
- Upon clicking Yes, the Select Resident Account for Guest Billing popup appears to select the resident whose meal plan will be charged.
- When a resident's meal plan is selected for the guest, the resident's name appears at the top of the order summary to indicate the guest meal is being charged to the resident's meal plan.
- If wanting to change to a meal plan of another resident, then the POS operator can do so by tapping the edit icon and selecting the new resident.
- If wanting to remove the guest from the currently-assigned resident meal plan, then the POS operator can do so by tapping the edit icon and tapping the Remove Guest of Diner button.
Enabling Guests to Use a Resident Meal Plan
To enable a guest diner to use a resident's meal plan, please reach out to MealSuite Support. If you are MealSuite Support, refer to the following internal article to enable guest diners to charge a meal plan: Enabling Guests to Use a Resident Meal Plan (INTERNAL)