You can print any recipe in the system (i.e., master recipes) with up to four different serving yields. To do so, complete the following steps:
- Ensure your browser is allowing pop-ups. See Allowing Pop-Ups on your Browser.
Open the Recipes Listing screen (Recipes >Recipe Listing), and locate the recipe.
- Select the check box of the recipe, and then click the Print button.
- The Reports screen appears with the Scaled Recipes report automatically selected.
- Select the different serving yields to generate, along with other applicable report settings (see Scaled Recipe Report Settings for more information).
- Click the Generate button to generate the report (see Generating a Recipe Report for more information). The Scaled Recipes report is generated (screenshot below).
Note: If nothing happens when you click the Generate button, it most likely means your browser is not allowing pop-ups. See Allowing Pop-Ups on your Browser.