From Recipe > Reports, the reports listed below are available to generate. Each report will generate with the recipes selected to be in the report.
Scaled Recipes Report (Recipes) - The scaled recipe report generates a production report of up to four different serving yields for each selected recipe.
Product Identifier Cards (Recipes) - The Product Identifier Cards report generates retail labels of selected recipes. Typically a product identifier card is used for buffet and catering items.
Price Tag Labels (Recipes) - The Price Tags Labels report allows you to generate price tag labels for selected recipes of the same price. Up to 16 labels per page can be printed in the layout shown below.
Nutrition Labels (Recipes) - The Nutrition Label report generates nutrition labels of selected recipes.
Retail Labels (Recipes) - The Retail Label report can generate retail labels of selected recipes.
Nutrition & Retail Labels (Recipes) - The Nutrition & Retail Label report generates combination labels containing nutrition and retail information.
- Nutritional Analysis Summary Report (Recipes) - The Nutritional Analysis Summary report generates a full nutritional summary and associated allergens of each recipe selected to be in the report.