From People > Reports, the reports listed below are available to generate. Each report will generate based upon people selected in the base settings of the people reports.
Allergy List - generates a report of people with allergies assigned to their profiles.
Birthday List - generates a list of dates in the year that correspond to people’s birthdays.
Dietary Profile - generates the dietary profile of each person selected to be in the report.
Meal Service Report - lists Meal Service Details (no Food) - lists meal service details for each person selected to be in the report. This report is commonly used if the Tray Menu Ticket Report (People) or Person-Specific Select Menus Report (People) are not used so that serving staff can access meal service details to help residents and patients with their meal choices.
Snack Service Report - lists Snack Service Details (no Food) - lists snack service details for each person selected to be in the report. This report is commonly used if the Snack Delivery Worksheet (People) is not used so that serving staff can access snack service details to help residents and patients with their snack choices.
Weight Report - lists the weight information recorded for each person selected to be in the report.
- Tray Card Tickets - lists Dietary Needs (no Food) - generates the dietary need tickets for residents and patients. This report will not list the food items to be served.
Tray Menu Tickets - for Non-Select & Advance Ordering - generates menu tickets for persons with non-select and advanced ordering service types. The report lists items based on the person's diet type, any diet restrictions set against the diet type, their allergens, and their personal menu customizations.
Person-Specific Select Menus - for Table Select and Advanced Ordering - generates a personal menu for persons with advance ordering and table select service types. The report lists all available options for them to choose based on their diet type, any diet restrictions set against the diet type, their allergens, and their personal menu customizations.
Generic Select Menus - No Personal Customizations - generates generic menus (i.e., unrelated to a person’s personal menus) for the advanced ordering and table select service types. This report is useful for guests who you need to take orders for.
Snack Delivery Worksheet - lists the snacks to be served for each person throughout the day. This worksheet is designed to be used during “snack pass” to inform you of what snacks to deliver. The worksheet lists snacks for each person based on their diet type, any diet restrictions set against the diet type, their allergens, and their personal menu customizations. Any service snack notes that were entered for a person via their profile are also included.
Stickers - for Personal Menu Items, Snack or identifications - allows you to generate sticker labels for snacks from a scheduled snack menu and stickers labels for personal menu items. The report can also be used to generate identification sticker labels.
Nutrient Summary - displays the nutrient values being met from a personal menu against the ideal daily values.
- Nutritional Analysis - displays the daily nutrient values from each personal menu item along with daily totals and ideal daily values.
Personal Menu Items - lists the personal menu items for each person selected to be in the report.
Roster Report - generates a report of selected residents or patients in your facility.