- About Service Types
- Assigning Same Service Type Across All Meal Periods
- Assigning Different Service Types for Meal Periods
About Service Types
The following service types are available to assign to a person:
Table Select (i.e., Instant Ordering (IO) )
The table select service type, also known as instant ordering (IO), is for residents who sit at a table and decide what to order from choices offered on their personal menu. The orders are recorded in the MealSuite Touch application (see Instant Ordering (IO) on the Touch App).
Advanced Ordering (AO)
The advanced ordering (AO) service type is for residents/patients who place orders in advance from choices offered on their personal menu. A staffer records advanced orders in the MealSuite Touch application (see Advanced Ordering (AO) on the Touch App).
If your facility has not purchased Advanced Ordering for the Touch app, the advanced ordering service type can still be assigned to resident/patient profiles in the core system to allow your facility to print the following reports:
- Tray Menu Tickets Report (People) - for Non-Select & Advance Ordering
- Person-Specific Select Menus Report (People) - for Table Select & Advance Ordering
By running the above reports, the facility will be well-prepared for when they do subsequently purchase Advanced Ordering for the Touch app. Advanced orders cannot be placed in the Core system alone. The Touch application is required to place advanced orders.
Note that multiple steps are required in the system to fully set up advanced ordering; refer to the following article: Setting Up Advance Ordering (AO) for your Account.
With the non-select service type, the system automatically places an order for the resident/patient based on their diet type, any diet restrictions set against the diet type, their allergens, and their personal menu customizations.
The non-select service type is for a resident/patient who is unable to make day-to-day decisions on what to eat (e.g., Alzheimer patient), or for a setting where the food service does not offer choices (e.g., hospital).
To understand how the system chooses the items to be served, see Non-Select Service Type: Item-Selection Logic.
Assigning Same Service Type Across All Meal Periods
To assign the same service type across all meal periods (breakfast, lunch, dinner).
Open the resident/patient profile.
- From the Service Type drop-down, select the desired service type.
- Click Save at the top right of the panel.
Assigning Different Service Types for Meal Periods
To assign the same service type across all meal periods (breakfast, lunch, dinner).
Open the resident/patient profile.
- Below the Service Type drop-down, click the Assign by Meal link (first screenshot below). The Assigning Service Type by Meal window appears (second screenshot below).
- Select the desired service type for each meal period.
- Click the Apply button to apply your changes. When different service types are assigned to the meal periods, the Service Type field reads Multiple Selected and the assignments are displayed below the field.
- Click Save at the top right of the panel.