- How Personal Menu Items Appear
- How “Likes” and "Dislikes" Appear
- How Substitutes Appear
- How Items with Serving Size Adjustments Appear
- How "Do Not Serve" Items Appear
- How Diet Conflicts Appear
- How House Fallback Items from an AA Menu Appear
- Advanced Ordering Items
How Personal Menu Items Appear
A personal menu item appears in blue text below choice 1 items.
How “Likes” and "Dislikes" Appear
An item marked as a like appears with the green thumbs up icon.
An item marked as a dislike appears with the red thumbs down icon.
How Substitutes Appear
Specific Substitutes
A specific substitute appears in green text.
Hovering your cursor over the item displays the original item that was substituted.
Fallback Substitutes
A fallback substitute appears in purple text, and only appears if there is no other option that can be served (see Menu Item Selection Logic for more information).
Hovering your cursor over a personal item displays “Fallback Substitute”.
How Items with Serving Size Adjustments Appear
To see a do not serve item on the personal menu, ensure the Show Excluded Items option is selected via the Display Options.
A do not serve item can occur as follows:
- If the person is on a therapeutic diet order, then it could be the extension set for that diet order is Do Not Serve. As such, you can select an appropriate substitute recipe for that diet order. To do so open the menu item extension grid and from the extension cell, select the Serve for Substitute option to search for and select an appropriate substitute recipe for the diet/texture combination.
An excluded item as a result of the person’s allergen is marked as do not serve (i.e., crossed out) and appears with the red star icon. Note that to see a do not serve item on the personal menu, ensure the Show Excluded Items option is selected via the Display Options.
Hovering your cursor over the red star displays a tooltip of what allergen caused the item to be removed. -
The item was manually marked as do not serve. Hovering your cursor over the item displays “Personal: Restriction” to indicate it was manually marked as do not serve.
Resolving "Substitute Needed" for a Do Not Serve Item
If the menu item selection logic results in an item that cannot be served for a do not serve item, then their personal menu states “Sub Needed [menu category name]” in red text, as per screenshot below.
In addition, the text "Substitute needed" will appear underlined on the Person-Specific Select Menus Report and the Tray Menu Tickets Report.
For options on preventing the "Substitute Needed" text appearing on personal menus and reports, see the following article: Resolving "Substitute Needed" on Personal Menu and Reports.
How Diet Conflicts Appear
If a resident is assigned a diet type that is set up with restrictions, and a restricted item is added to a person’s personal menu via customization, the system triggers a warning message about the conflict (screenshot below). The MealSuite user has the option of cancelling the item to honour the diet restriction or ignoring the warning and keeping the restricted item. If ignored, then each time the person’s profile is opened, the same warning will appear.
On the personal menu view, if a restricted item for a diet type had been kept, then the restricted item appears with diet conflict icon to alert you of the conflict.
How House Fallback Items from an AA Menu Appear
When the system selects an item from an also available (AA) menu with the house fallback setting, that item appears in orange font in the menu category.
For more information see Menu Item Selection Logic.
Advanced Ordering Items
How Item from a Reused Order Appears (for Advanced Ordering)
For a resident/patient with the advanced ordering service type and who misses placing an order, the system will reuse the same order from the previous same menu week/day/meal service (see Reusing of Past Orders for more information).
When an order is reused by the system, it appears with the "reused order" icon (), as shown in screenshot below.
Note: When an item is from a reused order, it is only indicated as such in the core system (with the "reused order" icon), and not in the Touch app.
How Items that have been Ordered Appear (for Advanced Ordering)
If the person’s service type is advanced ordering, and an item has been ordered for a meal (via the MealSuite Touch app), then the item displays in the personal menu with a green check box icon.