Publishing a Likes & Dislikes Group
If your account owns a Likes & Dislikes group (i.e., created the Likes & Dislikes group), then it can publish the group. Note that when a new Likes & Dislikes group is created, then by default it is unpublished. To publish a currently unpublished Likes & Dislikes group, complete the following steps:
- From the left navigation pane, select Tools & Setup > Food Settings. The Food Settings screen appears.
- Click the gear icon at the top left and select Allergens & Dislikes (screenshot below). The Allergens & Dislikes screen appears.
- Locate and open the Likes & Dislike group you want to publish (use the search and filter tools as needed).
- An unpublished group appears with a black Unpublished notification-button (first screenshot below). Click the Unpublished notification-button to publish the Likes & Dislike group. The notification-button changes to Published (second screenshot below).
Unpublishing a Likes & Dislikes Group
If your account created a Likes & Dislikes group, then you have the ability to unpublish the Likes & Dislike group. When a Likes & Dislike group is unpublished, the following occurs:
- Its association with any ingredients, prepared foods, and recipes is hidden in the system, meaning when you open an ingredient, prepared food, or recipe, you will not see any previously-assigned associations, and the unpublished Likes & Dislikes group will not be available to create an association.
- The Likes & Dislikes group will not be available in a personal menu to be marked as a like or marked as a dislike. However, if the Likes & Dislikes group has already been marked as a like or marked as a dislike, then that like or dislike is maintained in the personal menu.
- If you are a parent account, then the Likes & Dislikes group is not available for use in your child accounts.
To unpublish a Like & Dislike group, complete the following steps:
- From the left navigation pane, select Tools & Setup > Food Settings. The Food Settings screen appears.
- Click the gear icon at the top left and select Allergens & Dislikes (first screenshot below). The Allergens & Dislikes screen appears.
- Locate and open Likes & Dislike group you want to unpublish (use the search and filter tools as needed).
- A published group appears with a green Published notification-button. Click the Published notification-button to unpublish the Food & Dislike group. The notification-button changes to Unpublished.