- What is a Diet Restriction?
- Where Diet Conflict Alerts Appear
- Creating a Diet Restriction
- Publishing/Unpublishing a Diet Restriction
- Deleting a Diet Restriction
- Diet Restrictions - Tutorial Video (4:57)
- FAQs
What is a Diet Restriction?
A diet type can be configured to restrict recipes and prepared foods from a Like & Dislikes group (first diagram below), an allergens group (second diagram below), or a menu category (third diagram below).
For example, the vegetarian diet type can be set up with a diet restriction associated with the Likes & Dislikes group “Pork Derived Products”. This means that when a recipe or prepared food associated with the "Pork Derived Products" Likes & Dislikes group is assigned to the vegetarian diet type (via a recipe extension or menu item extension), then a diet conflict will result.
Diet Restriction with a Likes & Dislikes Group
Diet Restriction With an Allergens Group
Diet Restriction With a Menu Category
Where Diet Conflict Alerts Appear
A diet type configured with restricted items will trigger diet conflict alerts in the following areas in MealSuite:
Recipe Extension Grids and Menu Item Extension Grids
- When extending a recipe or menu item with therapeutic substitutes for a diet type that has a restriction, and you select a restricted substitute, the system triggers a warning message about the conflict (screenshot below). You have the option of cancelling the item to honour the diet restriction or ignoring the warning and keeping the restricted item.
- On the extension grid of a recipe or extension grid of a menu item, if a restricted item for a diet type had been kept, the extension cell displays the diet conflict alert icon to indicate that the selected item conflicts with that diet type.
Menu Week-at-a-Glance
- When viewing offerings for diet type/texture type on the week-at-a-glance view, and a restricted item exists for the selected diet type, then the restricted item is indicated as "Do Not Serve" and appears in red text with the diet conflict icon (
) to alert you of the conflict.
Hovering your cursor over the icon display details of the conflict.
Menu Day View
- When viewing offerings for diet type/texture types on the menu day view, and a restricted item exists for the selected diet type, then the restricted item is indicated as "Do Not Serve" and appears in red text with the diet conflict icon (
) to alert you of the conflict.
Hovering your cursor over the icon display details of the conflict.
Personal Menu
- If a restricted items exists for the person’s assigned diet type, then on their personal menu the restricted item is crossed out (i.e., excluded). Hovering your cursor over the item displays the item’s dislike group, allergen group or menu category that is restricted from the diet type. Note: To see excluded items on a personal menu, the Show Excluded Items check box must be selected in the display options.
- If a resident is assigned a diet type that is set up with restrictions, and a restricted item is added (i.e., personal menu item, specific substitute, or fallback substitute), the system triggers a warning message about the conflict (screenshot below). You have the option of cancelling the item to honour the diet restriction or ignoring the warning and keeping the restricted item. If ignored, then each time the person’s profile is opened, the same warning will appear.
On the personal menu view, if a restricted item has been added, then the restricted item appears with diet conflict icon to alert you of the conflict.
People Listing Screen
- On the people listing screen, if a restricted item for a person’s personal menu had been kept, the Alerts column cell displays the diet conflict alert icon to indicate that the person’s personal menu has a diet conflict.
Hovering your cursor over the icon displays details of the conflict.
Creating a Diet Restriction
To create a diet restriction, complete the following steps:
- Select Tools & Setup > Diet Orders. The Diet Order Setting screen appears.
- Ensure you are on the Diets and Textures tab.
- Ensure the Diet Category is Standard.
- Click the name of the diet type to set up with restrictions. The diet type slide-out panel appears.
- Expand the Diet Restriction section.
- Click Add New > Do Not Serve. The Do Not Serve pop-up appears.
- Depending if you are restricting items from a dislike group, allergen group, or menu category, refer to the appropriate sub-section below.
Restricting a Dislike Group or Allergen Group
- Select the Dislike Groups option, and from the drop-down select the desired dislike groups or allergen groups.
- In the Applies To field, you have the option of selecting if the restriction alert only triggers if the item belongs to a specific menu category or categories. For example, if selecting the dislike group “Sweets” to be restricted for the diabetic diet type, you may only want the sweets to be restricted in the dessert menu category, but available in all other menu categories.
- Click Save to close the Do Not Serve pop-up.
- Click the Save button at the top right of the panel to apply your changes. The newly-listed restriction is listed in the Diet Restriction section.
Restricting a Menu Category
- Select the Menu Category option, and from the drop-down select the desired menu category or categories.
- Click Save to close the Do Not Serve pop-up.
- Click the Save button at the top right of the panel to apply your changes. The newly-listed restriction is listed in the Diet Restriction section.
Publishing/Unpublishing a Diet Restriction
By default a diet restriction for a diet type is automatically published in the system, meaning it will trigger alerts in the recipe extensions, menu extensions and personal menus in your MealSuite account and any child accounts.
An account that created a diet restriction has the ability to unpublish a diet restriction to not have it trigger alerts in its account and any child accounts. In addition, when a parent account unpublishes a diet restriction, that restriction will be hidden from viewing by any child accounts.
To access a diet restriction to unpublish it or republish it, complete the following steps:
- Select Tools & Setup > Diet Orders. The Diet Order Setting screen appears.
- Ensure you are on the Diets and Textures tab.
- Ensure the Diet Category is Standard.
- Click the name of the diet type you want to access. The diet type slide-out panel appears.
- Expand the Diet Restriction section. Note that a diet restriction has the preface of “Do Not Serve:”
- For a diet restriction you want to unpublish, click its gear icon and select Unpublish. For a diet restriction you want to publish, click its gear icon and select Publish.
- Click the Save button at top right of the panel to apply your changes.
Deleting a Diet Restriction
If your MealSuite account created a diet restriction, then that diet restriction can be deleted by your account. To do so:
- Select Tools & Setup > Diet Orders. The Diet Order Setting screen appears.
- Ensure you are on the Diets and Textures tab.
- Ensure the Diet Category is Standard.
- Click the name of the diet type you want to access. The diet type slide-out panel appears.
- Expand the Diet Restriction section. Note that a diet restriction has the preface of “Do Not Serve:”
- For a diet restriction you want to delete, click its gear icon in the Action column and select Delete.
- Click the Save button at top right of the panel to apply your changes.
Diet Restrictions - Tutorial Video (4:57)
Does the system detect if a menu item is changed to a non-compatible item? For example, does it detect if someone replaces baked chicken with a banana?
The system does not have the capability to detect whether a user changes a menu item that is non-compatible (e.g., baked chicken for a banana).
However, if diet restrictions are configured as per above, then the system does detect items that conflict with a diet type.