Unpublishing a Tag
You have the ability to unpublish a tag, which will not make it available for use in your in your MealSuite account and any child accounts. To unpublish a tag:
- Select Tools & Setup > Recipe Tools.
- Click the Tags tab. The Tags screen appears.
- From the top menu, select the appropriate tab of the tag you want to unpublish (Diet, Texture, Fluid, Custom).
- Click the name of the tag you want to unpublish. The slide-out panel for the tag appears.
- Click the green Published button. The button changes to black Unpublished. The tag is now unpublished.
Note: Another means to unpublish a tag is to select its gear icon in the Actions column and select Unpublish.
Publishing a Tag
If a tag is unpublished, then it can be published. To publish a tag:
- Select Tools & Setup > Recipe Tools.
- Click the Tags tab. The Tags screen appears.
- From the top menu, select the appropriate tab of the tag you want to publish (Diet, Texture, Fluid, Custom).
- Click the name of the tag you want to publish. The slide-out panel for the tag appears.
- Click the black Unpublished button. The button changes to green Published. The tag is now published.
Note: Another means to publish a tag is to select its gear icon in the Actions column and select Publish.
Deleting a Tag
When a tag is created by your account, then that tag can be deleted by your account. To delete a tag:
- Select Tools & Setup > Recipe Tools.
- Click the Tags tab. The Tags screen appears.
- From the top menu, select the appropriate tab of the tag you want to delete (Diet, Texture, Fluid, Custom).
- Click the name of the tag you want to delete. The slide-out panel for the tag appears.
- Click the Delete button. A confirmation message appears.
- Click Delete to the confirmation message to delete the tag.
Note that another means to delete a tag, is to select its gear icon in the Actions column and select Delete.