- Selecting a MealSuite Partner Vendor
- Corporate Account: Adding Another Distribution Center for Vendor
Selecting a MealSuite Partner Vendor
A partner vendor in the MealSuite system is a vendor with an interface enabled that allows for the automatic import of a vendor product list that is specific to the MealSuite account and the distribution center/store the account orders from.
- An interface is specific to the vendor. For details about the data sent and when the vendor product list is updated from the interface, please reach out to MealSuite Support.
- If you are Mealsuite Support, articles on each vendor interface are available in the Vendor & Vendor Products section of the resource centre that you can reference to answer client inquiries about the data sent and when.
To select a partner vendor to add to your MealSuite account, complete the following steps:
- Select Procurement > Vendors & Products. The Vendors screen appears.
- Click the Add New button. The Add Vendor slide-out panel appears. A partner vendor is displayed on the screen in the Partner Vendors section with its logo and other relevant information.
Note: The partner vendors that are shown depend if their city and state/province matches the city and state/province of your MealSuite account.
- For the partner vendor you want to select, click its Choose Vendor button. The Vendor slide-out panel appears.
In the Customer Number field, enter your customer number with the vendor.
Warning: Ensure there are no leading zeros in the customer number (i.e., 1234 instead of 01234), and ensure there are no spaces before and after the customer number. If the customer number is not entered exactly as is, then the vendor product list cannot be updated by the interface.
- If your account is set up with more than one business line, then the Business Lines field is available. From this field, select the business line(s) associated with the customer number. If a separate customer number is associated with a business line, then click the Add customer number link to add another customer number and associated business line. Note: A business line can only be associated with one customer number.
- In the Which Distribution Center/store do you purchase from? field, select the distribution center/store you purchase from.
- If the distribution center or store is not available, then click the Request New link to refresh the screen with the following fields:
- Distribution Center/Store Name - enter the name of the distribution center/store.
Distribution Center/Store ID - enter the ID of the distribution center/store.
When you save the vendor (step 9 below), the system will send your request for a new distribution center/store to MealSuite Support. Once approved, the distribution center/store will be created and available for use in the vendor account. You will be notified via email and also on the home page (accessed by clicking logo at top left of screen).
- Enter the following account-specific details (if available):
- Partner ID
- Username
- Password
- Select the following option: Yes, Activate Electronic Order Guide.
- Depending on the vendor, there is the ability to select a GPO via the Group Purchasing Organization drop-down.
- Click Save. If this is the first vendor added to your account, then the following message appears:
If you have more than one vendor, then the following message appears:
- You can click the Import Products button to activate the interface and populate your vendor product list. Once populated, you are taken to the product list screen specific to the vendor (example screenshot below; right-click image to open and expand in new tab).
If the Set Priority button is showing, it means your account is using more than one vendor. Vendor priority informs the system of which vendor to use when selecting a vendor product for a food item. You do not have to set the vendor priority at this stage; it can always be done later. Either way, see the Setting the Vendor Priority article for instructions to do so. If you do set the priority at this stage, the interface will still be activated and will populate your vendor product list. To view the vendor product list, see Viewing a Vendor Product List.
Corporate Account: Adding Another Distribution Center for Vendor
If you are a corporate account, then you have the ability to add the same partner vendor, but with a different distribution center. This will be required in scenarios in which the corporate account manages vendor product selections for its child accounts using an approved purchasing list (APL) for each DC.
To add another distribution center for the partner vendor:
- Select Procurement > Vendors & Products. The Vendors screen appears.
- Click the Add New button to display the Add Vendor slide-out panel.
- For the partner vendor that you have already added, it appears with the Add Another Distribution Center button (screenshot below). Click this button and finish the remaining steps (starting at step 4 above) to add the vendor