- About POS Products
- Best Practices for Adding Products to the POS
- Prerequisite: Create Product Categories
- Importing .csv File of Products
- Adding a Single Product to the POS
- Entering a Price for a Product
- How Does a Product Get Onto a POS Grid?
- Editing an Existing POS Product via Touch Admin
About POS Products
A POS product is an item not ported over from the menus in the MealSuite system that needs to be manually entered in the POS for the facility to sell it. An example of a POS product is a granola bar that can be sold in a facility’s tuck shop.
This article explains how to upload an Excel® file of products to POS via Touch Admin, and to manually add a single product to the POS via Touch Admin. Note that a POS operator with access to the POS Manager module has the ability to manually enter single products in the POS; see Adding or Editing a Product (via the POS Manager Module).
Scenarios for Using POS Products
The following scenarios illustrate the flexibility of the use of products in the POS to meet the unique needs of a facility.
- Flat fee meals - a facility can offer a meal product for a flat fee. For example, a “guest meal” product with a price of $12, or a “staff meal” product for $10. In such a scenario the diner just orders whatever is available on the menu and pays the price assigned to the product.
The facility can also offer different flat fee meals at different meal services (breakfast, lunch, dinner) all at different pricing. These products can be placed into an appropriate product categories (e.g., “Guest Meal”, “Staff Meal”) for each meal time. - Bar item offerings - if a facility sells alcohol, then individual products can be created for each alcohol product. The products can be placed into the appropriate product categories (e.g., “Wine”, “Beer”).
- Catering products
- Special meal products such as holidays and children’s meals
- “Meal plan overage charge” product to charge client a flat fee for the meal if they exhaust their meal plan, rather than charging for each individual item.
- Gift card load products
- Delivery fee - indicates an item is to be delivered for a fee (has a price associated with it in the price book).
- “Item Not Found” product - If an item is sold that is not in the system for whatever reason, then a “Item not Found” product can be used by the POS user to enter in custom price in order to check out. The “Item not Found” product would be set up with a variable price in the price book that allows for the POS user to enter a custom price.
Best Practices for Adding Products to the POS
Before adding products to the POS there are a few best practices to consider to make the effort easier:
- Products will list alphabetically on the POS product screen. Therefore when entering products of the same type, add a common identifier to the beginning of the product name so that the products are listed together. For example, for beer products, enter the identifier “beer” before each name:
- Beer Coors Light
- Beer Guinness
- Beer Labatt’s Blue
- Beer Sam Adam
- If the facility sells a product at different prices at different POS locations, then it will need to be entered more than once as a product in the POS system so that you can enter separate prices for it. For example, a cinnamon muffin sells for $1.65 at the bistro and sells for $1.99 at the restaurant. In such a scenario differentiate between the products by applying an identifier on one of the names so that you know which product to assign to which price book. For example, use an asterisk to indicate that the product is for the bistro (cinnamon muffin*).
- If a product has a bar code, then the bar code number can be entered in the POS system so that the product can be scanned during checkout. Note that a bar code number has a leading number and a trailing number. All the numbers (not just the middle portion) from beginning to end need to be entered for the product.
Prerequisite: Create Product Categories
When adding a product, it will need to be assigned to an appropriate product category. Therefore ensure the product categories are first created before adding products; see Creating Product Categories in the POS.
Importing .csv File of Products
- About Importing .csv File of Products
- Downloading .csv Template
- Entering Product Details in the .csv Template
- Importing the Populated .csv File
About Importing .csv File of Products
You can import POS products via a .csv file. To aid with this import process, a .csv template is available that you can download and populate with product details.
Downloading .csv Template
- In Touch Admin, select POS Settings > Products. The POS Products screen appears.
- Click the Download Template button to download the .csv template.
Entering Product Details in the .csv Template
The .csv template consists of the columns listed below to enter product details. Note that when entering the product details ensure to follow best practices, which are documented above: Best Practices for Entering Products in the POS System.
- Product Name - enter the name of the product (follow best practices).
- Production Area - enter the production area if required.
- Category - enter the category you want to assign the product to. This can be a menu category from the core system, or a non-menu category manually created in Touch Admin.
- Taxes - if the product is to override the sales tax(es) assigned to its category, enter the name of the tax(es) here (e.g., State Tax, Provincial Tax, Federal Tax) that will override the category sales tax. If more than one tax is to be calculated for the product, then separate tax each with a semi-colon (e.g., State Tax; Federal Tax). Note: Prior to assigning sales tax(es) to a product, those sales tax(es) must first be set up in POS via POS Settings > Taxes (see Configuring Sales Taxes in the POS for more information).
- GL Account - if the product is to override the GL account for its category, enter that GL account here. Note that GL accounts are first set up by your MealSuite CSM (customer success manager) to be available for assigning to a a product (if you are a MealSuite CSM, click here for the internal article on setting up GL accounts).
- Bar Code Value - if the product has a bar code value, enter it here (follow best practices).
- Show Item on Production Screen/Tickets (Yes or No) - to have the item appear on production screens and tickets, enter Yes. To not have the product appear on production screen and tickets, such as an item that does not need to be prepared in a production area, then enter No.
When you download the template, it extracts from your account the info listed below into column J of the file. This not only functions as a reference of the existing info in your account, but you can also easily copy and paste the text into the product cell of its respective columns in the file, rather than having to manually enter the text and potentially make an input error that will prevent the product from being imported.
- Production areas (paste into a column B cell)
- Categories (paste into a column C cell)
- Taxes (paste into a column D cell)
- GL Accounts (paste into a column E cell)
Importing the Populated .csv File
After the .csv file is populated with the product details, complete the following steps to import the .csv file:
- In Touch Admin, select POS Settings > Products. The POS Products screen appears.
- Click the Import CSV button to import the file (first screenshot below). The imported products will appear onscreen (second screenshot below).
If any products failed to import, a summary of the failed imports and associated reasons will appear (screenshot below).
Adding a Single Product to the POS
With the best practices in mind, complete the following steps to add a single product to the POS:
- In Touch Admin, select POS Settings > Products. The POS Products screen appears.
- Click the Add a Product button. The Add Product screen appears.
- Enter or select the following:
- Name - enter the name of the product (follow best practices).
- Product Type - two values are available: Inventoried Product or Non Inventoried Product. For a physical product that required tracking in inventory, select Inventoried Product. For a non-physical product, such as a "delivery product", select Non Inventoried Product.
- Billing Code Override - if the product is to override the billing code for its assigned category, enter that billing code here. A billing code is used on a financial export interface to indicate what billing code a POS product is associated with. Note that billing codes are set up by your MealSuite (CSM) customer success manager (if you are a MealSuite CSM, click here for the internal article on setting up billing codes).
- Tax Override - if the product is to override the sales tax(es) for its category, select those sales tax(es) here. Note: Prior to assigning sales tax(es) to a product, those sales tax(es) must first be set up in POS via POS Settings > Taxes (see Configuring Sales Taxes in the POS for more information).
- GL Account Override - if the product is to override the GL account for its category, enter that GL account here. Note that GL accounts are first set up by your MealSuite CSM (customer success manager) to be available for assigning to a a product (if you are a MealSuite CSM, click here for the internal article on setting up GL accounts).
- Category - select the non-menu category or the menu category you want to assign the product to.
- Production Area - select the production area if required.
- Bar Code - if the product has a bar code value, enter it here (follow best practices listed above)
- Do not show this item on production tickets or screens - if the product item is not a meal item that needs to be prepared in a production area, then select this check box.
- Click the Create Product button.
- You are returned to the main screen, where the newly-added product is listed.
Entering a Price for a Product
Each product must be set up with a price. To do so, refer to the following articles:
- Creating a Price Book
- Editing the Price of an Existing Menu Item, Product or Service
- Assigning Price Book to a POS Location
How Does a Product Get Onto a POS Grid?
See the following separate article: How Does a Product Get Onto a POS Grid?
Editing an Existing POS Product via Touch Admin
To edit an existing POS product via Touch Admin, complete the following steps:
- In Touch Admin, select POS Settings > Products. The POS Products screen appears.
- Search for the desired product, and click its Edit button. The Edit Product screen appears for you to make your changes.
- Rather than repeat the descriptions of each setting in this article, the same information can be found above in the Entering a Single Product in the POS System section above.