You can record the temperature for a food item on the Touch Service & Delivery Production Sheet.
- Prerequisites
- Recording Temperature on Service & Delivery Production Sheet
- Printable One-Page Quick Reference Guide
Contact MealSuite support to enable food temperature to be recorded. If you are MealSuite staff, click here for the internal article on enabling food temperature recording.
If using a Bluetooth thermometer probe, the probe will automatically enter the temperature so that you do not have to enter the temperature manually. Ensure the probe is configured for use; see Setting Up the Food Thermometer Probe for instructions to do so.
Recording Temperature on Service & Delivery Production Sheet
- Run the Touch Service & Delivery Production Sheet (click here for instructions to do so). The food items generated in the report appear as follows:
- For the menu item whose temperature is to be recorded, tap its Record button for Temp 1. The Record Temperature pop-up appears.
- If you are using a Bluetooth thermometer probe, insert the probe into the food and press its Record button (i.e., button with three lines). The probe records the temperature and sends it to the Temperature field. You can tap F or C to record the temperature in Fahrenheit or Celsius respectively. Note that if you had previously entered a temperature type, the system keeps your selection from last time.
- You can also manually enter the temperature by tapping into the Temperature field, and the pop-up changes to the number pad for you to enter the temperature and then tap Submit.
- In the Staff name field, enter your name. Note that if you had previously entered your name, the system remembers it.
- Tap the Add Temperature button. You are returned to the main screen, where the newly-recorded temperature is listed for the item.
- If corrective action is required on the temperature, use the other temperature Record buttons to record the temperature (screenshot below). Depending on your Touch setup, it may also allow you to associate a corrective action type (e.g., "Reheated"). Note that these corrective action types are created in Touch Admin; see Creating Corrective Action Types for Food Temperatures for instructions to do so.
Printable One-Page Quick Reference Guide
Click the attachment below to download a one-page printable guide on recording temperatures on the Service & Delivery Production Sheet.