- About Assigning Dining Areas to Residents
- Assigning a Dining Area to a Resident
- Assigning Table and Seat to a Resident (Optional)
- Assigning Dining Area by Meal Period and Day
- Removing a Resident from their Assigned Table
- Removing a Resident from their Assigned Seat
- FAQs
About Assigning Dining Areas to Residents
Dining areas in your account are created and configured in Tools & Setup > Facility Builder (see Adding and Configuring Dining Areas). The dining areas are then available to be assigned to a person’s profile.
A resident can be assigned a single dining area for all their meals periods during the week, or can be assigned to various dining areas for different meal period/days of the week combinations. In addition, you also have the option of assigning a specific table and specific seat to the person for a dining area.
Note that the dining area that is assigned to a resident determines the menu that is to be served to the resident. This is accomplished via the menu service location (MSL), which can be thought of as the “connecting piece”: the dining area is assigned to an MSL, and a menu is assigned to an MSL.
Assigning a Dining Area to a Resident
To assign a dining area to a resident, complete the following steps:
Open the resident's profile.
- From the Dining Room field, select the dining area.
Note: Dining areas enabled with manual census are not available to be assigned to a person.
- Click Save at the top right of the panel apply your changes.
Assigning Table and Seat to Resident (Optional)
Once a resident has been assigned a dining area, you have the option of assigning a table and seat to a resident. To do so:
Open the person’s profile.
- From the Table field, select the table.
- From the Seat field, select the seat.
If the seat is already assigned, it presents with the person icon (). Hovering your cursor over the icon displays the person's name.
You can assign a person to a currently-occupied seat. When a seat is assigned more than one person, it presents with the multi-person icon (). Hovering your cursor over the icon displays the names of the persons.
- Click Save at the top right of the panel to apply your changes.
Assigning Dining Area by Meal Period and Day
A resident can be assigned specific dining areas (and optionally table and seat) by meal period (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and day of the week combinations. To do so, complete the following steps:
Open the resident's profile.
- Below the Dining Room field, click the Assign by Meal link (first screenshot below). The Assign Dining Area by Meal window appears (second screenshot below).
- Select the desired dining area and optionally the table and seat from each corresponding meal period and day of the week combination cell.
- With the Copy Monday to All Days button selected, when a change is made to a meal period on Monday, that change flows down to all days for that meal period.
Note: If you applied changes with the Copy Monday To All Days button, then by clicking the button again, the changes will be reverted. - Click Apply to apply your changes.
Note: Dining areas enabled with manual census are not available to be assigned to a person.
Removing a Resident from their Assigned Table
To remove a resident from their assigned table, complete the following steps:
Open the resident's profile. Notice that the Table field contains the diner's currently assigned table.
- Click into the Table field and then click the check mark adjacent to the table to remove the check mark.
- The Table field now has no assigned table.
- Click the Save button to apply your changes.
Removing a Resident from their Assigned Seat
To remove a resident from their assigned seat, complete the following steps:
Open the resident's profile. Notice that the Seat field contains the diner's currently assigned seat.
- Click into the Seat field and then click the check mark adjacent to the seat number to remove the check mark.
- The Seat field now has no assigned seat.
- Click the Save button to apply your changes.
I am only seeing "In Room" from the Dining Area field?
If the only option is In Room for the Dining Area field, it indicates that your residence areas are enabled as "dining areas" for in-room delivery, but either a traditional dining area is not set up in your account, or is set up but has the Manual Census check box selected (a dining area enabled with manual census is not available to be assigned to a person).
- To add and set up a dining area in your account, see Adding and Configuring Dining Areas.
- For more about the Manual Census check box and to remove it for an existing dining area, see About the Manual Census Check Box.
How can I see the names of residents assigned to tables/seats (i.e., table mates)?
In a person's profile, select the desired table from the Table field. Then click into the Seat field to display any assigned seats, which are identified with the person icon (). Hover your cursor over a person icon to display the name of the person assigned to the seat.