- About this Article
- Creating an Inventory Worksheet
- Layout of the Inventory Worksheet
- Recording Inventory Digitally on the Inventory Worksheet
- Recording Inventory on Paper Copy of Inventory Worksheet
- Adding Additional Pack Sizes for Item
About this Article
This article explains how to record inventory on an inventory worksheet.
- If the worksheet has not yet been created, then first create it by going through the steps in the Creating an Inventory Worksheet section below.
- If the worksheet has already be created, then you can record inventory on it. There are two methods to do so: digitally or via a paper copy. Refer to the appropriate section below for respective instructions:
Creating an Inventory Worksheet
- Select Inventory > Listing. The Inventory Listing screen appears, listing any existing worksheets.
- Click the New Inventory button. The New Inventory pop-up appears.
- In the Name field, enter a name for the worksheet (usually the name includes the date).
- In the Storage Area drop-down, select one or more storage areas the worksheet will be associated with.
Note: A storage area is not available in the drop-down if that storage area is associated with a currently-open worksheet. - Click the Create Worksheet button. The newly-created worksheet is listed in the Inventory Listing screen.
- There are two methods to record inventory on the worksheet: digitally or via a paper copy. Refer to the appropriate section below for respective instructions:
Layout of the Inventory Worksheet
Storage Area Tabs
An inventory worksheet lists items for each storage area the inventory worksheet is associated with when the worksheet was created. The items for a storage area are displayed onscreen by clicking the respective storage area tab at the top of the screen.
Sections and Sub-Sections of Storage Area
If the storage area is organized by sections and sub-sections, then the screen represents the section/sub-section structure with respective expandable/collapsible headers.
Pack Size
The Pack Size for an item lists the stock unit per pack and the stock unit weight. The pack size shown onscreen for the item is captured from the current vendor product associated with the item. If needed, additional pack sizes that are associated with the item can be listed, for which you can record inventory for. See Adding Additional Pack Sizes for an Item below for instructions.
Amount (Pack) Field
The Amount (Pack) field is where you enter the number of packs in stock for the item. Quarter, half, and three-quarter amounts can be indicated by decimals (e.g., 1.25, 1.5, 1.75).
Amount (Stock Unit) Field
The Amount (Stock Unit) is where you enter the number of individual stock units in stock for the item, outside of the packs entered in the Amount (Pack) field.
Total SU
The Total SU is sum of all stock units in each pack entered in Amount (Pack) + individual stock units entered in Amount (Stock Unit).
Recording Inventory Digitally on the Inventory Worksheet
- On the Inventory listing screen (Inventory > Inventory Listing), open the desired inventory worksheet by clicking its name. The inventory worksheet opens.
- In the Amount (Pack) field for an item, enter the number of packs in stock for the item. Quarter, half, and three-quarter amounts can be indicated by decimals (e.g., 1.25, 1.5, 1.75).
- In the Amount (Stock Unit) field for an item, enter the number of individual stock units in stock for the item, outside of the packs entered in the Amount (Pack) field.
- Click Save at the top of the screen to capture your inputs.
Recording Inventory on Paper Copy of Inventory Worksheet
The system can generate a PDF version of the inventory worksheet, which you can then print to record inventory numbers on the paper copy.
Note: If you have digitally entered inventory numbers for items (as per above instructions), then these numbers will be generated on the PDF.
- On the Inventory listing screen (Inventory > Inventory Listing), open the desired inventory worksheet by clicking its name. The inventory worksheet opens.
- Click the Print button. A separate tab opens with a PDF version of the inventory worksheet.
- Print the PDF so that you can record the inventory by hand. Note the following:
- The first Quantity column is to record the number of packs in stock for an item.
- The second Quantity column is to record the number of individual stock units in stock for an item, outside of the packs recorded for that item.
Note: If you have digitally entered inventory numbers for items, then these numbers will be generated in their respective Quantity columns on the the PDF.
Adding Additional Pack Sizes for Item
The Pack Size for an item lists the stock unit per pack and the stock unit weight. The pack size shown onscreen for an item is captured from the current vendor product associated with the item.
If needed, additional pack sizes that are associated with the item in the system can be listed, for which you can record inventory for. To add one or more pack sizes for an item, complete the following steps:
- Click the + symbol. The Pack Size pop-up appears.
- The Pack Size field lists the other pack sizes associated with the item (screenshot below). Select the desired pack size. More than one can be selected.
Note: Each pack size available in the drop-down comes from the Mealsuite database level. An item is associated with different vendor products, and the pack size of each associated vendor product is listed in the drop-down. - Click the Add button, and newly-added pack size appears as a separate for for the item.
Note: When an additional pack size is added for an item, that pack size is automatically included on any currently open inventory worksheets the item belongs to, and also future inventory worksheets the item will belong to.