Manually Adding an Item to Inventory
Your current inventory in your Mealsuite account can be viewed on the Inventory On Hand screen (Inventory > Manage Storage Areas). By default, the system automatically includes food and non-food items in your inventory that meet the following conditions:
- Items from active menus (i.e., currently scheduled), and future-scheduled menus (including the menu item extensions).
- Personal menu items for active people (i.e., not archived people).
- Items in the fluid substitution grid, assuming the regular item is in use as per one of the two bullet points above.
In addition, the system allows you to manually add items to your inventory that are not included by default as per the above conditions. Any currently-open inventory worksheets will display these manually-added items.
To manually add an item, complete the following steps:
- Select Inventory > Manage Storage Areas. The Inventory On Hand screen appears.
- Click the Add New button. The Add Items slide-out panel appears.
- Select a search option and utilize its associated filters as needed:
- Food & Non-Food Items
- Food type - search for a food item, non-food item, or prepared food.
- Stock Item Categories - filter by the stock item category associated with an item or prepared food.
- Categories - filter by the food category associated with an item or prepared food.
- Vendor Products - searches for vendor products. From the vendor products that are returned from the search results, you then select one, which in turns adds the food item the vendor product is linked with (i.e., vendor product is verified for the food item). In other words, the food item the vendor product is linked with is added, and not the vendor product itself. Note that If the vendor product is not linked to a food item, it cannot be selected.
- Vendors - filter by vendors.
- Brands
- Stock Item categories - TBD
- Food & Non-Food Items
- In the Search field, enter the description of the item or product you are searching for and click Go. Note that if searching for an item via its vendor product, you can enter the product ID in the Search field. The Search Results section returns items that match your search and filter criteria. The system will show the first 100 results. If your search results are not what is expected, adjust your search and filter criteria.
- To see details for an item, such as its storage type, click its eye icon (
- For an item you want to add, click its + icon. The item appears in the Inventory Items to Add section (screenshot below; right-click image to open and expand in new tab). You can repeat the above steps to add other items.
- The Area field for an item lists the storage areas that share the same storage type of the item. You can deselect a storage area if needed, meaning the item won't be listed in that storage area.
- If a storage area has sections and sub-sections, then you can select these from the Storage Location and Storage Sub Location fields, respectively.
- When ready, click the Add button. The items is added to your inventory, and the slide-out panel closes.
Removing a Manually-Added Item from Inventory
An item that you manually-added to inventory can be removed. To do so:
- Select Inventory > Manage Storage Areas. The Inventory On Hand screen appears.
- Locate the item to be removed. Use the search or filters tools if needed.
- Click the gear icon for the item and select Remove.
- If the item is assigned to only one storage area the confirmation message below appears. Click Remove.
- If the item is assigned to more than one storage area the confirmation message below appears. Click Remove From All Areas.
Note: Removing an item will affect open inventory worksheets, but not closed inventory worksheets.