- What is an Unresolved Connect Message?
- How Else Am I Notified When There are Unresolved Connect Messages?
What is an Unresolved Connect Message?
If a Connect message from an EHR contains data in the form of a person, room, allergy or diet order that is not mapped to a corresponding MealSuite entity (person, room, allergy, diet order), then the Connect interface cannot process the message and is considered unresolved. When an unresolved message is received by Connect, then the following occurs:
- On the Connect screen (People > Connect), the message appears with the Resolve button and red warning text at the top of the screen. To resolve a Connect message from the Connect screen, see Resolving a Connect Message from the Connect Screen.
- On the People Listing screen (People > People Listing), a red Connect alert label is displayed in the Alerts column. Note that people with unresolved messages are listed first on the screen. To resolve a Connect message from the People Listing screen, see Resolving a Connect Message from the People Listing Screen.
How Else Am I Notified When There are Unresolved Connect Messages?
Notification Alert
When there are Connect messages that require resolution or acknowledgement, a bell icon with the number of unresolved and unacknowledged messages appears on the People option in the left navigation pane.
Home Page Alert
When a Connect message requires resolving, an alert appears on the home page, as per screenshot below. Clicking the alert expands the section with explanatory text and a Go to Connect Mapping button that takes you to the Connect screen (screenshot above), where you can resolve the message.
Warning Message on People Reports and Production Reports Screens
If there is an unresolved message, then the following warning message appears in red text on the People Reports screen (first screenshot below) and the Production Reports screen (second screenshot below):
"[X] messages received from [EHR] are currently unresolved due to unknown data in Connect Mapping. This is preventing your people profiles from being updated with the most up-to-date allergen, diet order, or room data. To resolve these messages go to People > Connect and click the Mapping button. For more information, see About Resolving Connect Messages."
(Right-click image to open and expand in new tab)
(Right-click image to open and expand in new tab)
Email Notifications
An email notification will be sent to Connect users in your account if an unresolved message is not resolved within 24 hours. The email will be sent every three days until the message is resolved.
If you are a parent account that has multiple child accounts with a Connect interface, then you will receive a weekly summary email of accounts with unresolved messages.
Creating a Microsoft® Outlook® Rule for Connect Email Notifications
The system cannot be configured to stop email notification messages coming from Connect. However, to prevent the messages from residing in your main inbox, you can create a rule in Microsoft® Outlook® that automatically moves the messages to a designated folder. To do so, complete the following steps:
- In Microsoft® Outlook®, select the Home tab.
- In the menu bar, click the ellipsis at the far right and select Rules > Manage Rules (first screenshot below). The Rules screen appears (second screenshot below).
- Click the Add new rule button. The Rules screen refreshes with the following fields:
- Enter a name for the rule. For example, "MealSuite Connect Messages".
- From the Add a condition drop-down, select Subject includes, and in the adjacent text box to the right enter the text "Connect Messages Waiting" (or you can enter different text from the email notification's subject line, which is "Action Required - Connect Messages Waiting In Your MealSuite Account.")
- From the Add an action drop-down, select Move to, and in adjacent field to the right select Create new folder.
- Enter a name for the folder, such as MealSuite Connect Messages and click the adjacent Save link, or press Enter on your keyboard.
- Ensure the Stop processing more rules option is selected (which prevents other rules (if existing) from being run on the messages that meet the condition).
- Click the Save button at bottom right of window. The rule is now created. Future email notifications from Connect will be moved to the folder you created.