- About Resolving Allergen and Intolerance Data Mapping Issues
- Resolving Allergen Data Mapping Issues
- Resolving Intolerance Data Mapping Issues
- Video Tutorial - Allergies and Intolerances Mapping (3:51)
About Resolving Allergen and Intolerance Data Mapping Issues
This article explains the options available from the MealSuite Allergy drop-down field when resolving an unmapped room either from the Connect screen or the People Listing screen.
The options from the MealSuite Allergy drop-down are as follows:
Resolving Allergen Data Mapping Issues
When resolving an allergen data mapping issue (either from the Connect screen or the People Listing screen), the following options are available from the MealSuite Allergy drop-down:
Map EHR allergen to existing MealSuite allergen group - From the drop-down field, select the MealSuite allergen group to map the EHR allergy to. Note that more than on allergen group can be selected if considered appropriate.
Create new MealSuite allergen group from EHR allergen - You can create a new allergen group in MealSuite using the EHR data by selecting Create New Allergen.
- Ignore Allergy - You can ignore the allergy EHR data by selecting Ignore Allergy. When allergy EHR data is set to ignore in your MealSuite Connect interface, the EHR data is not mapped to an allergy in the MealSuite system and any subsequent messages with that allergy data will prevent a resolve allergy message from triggering.
Resolving Intolerance Data Mapping Issues
If your Connect interface is processing ADT-A60 - Update Allergy messages, then there is the ability to process intolerances. An intolerance is identified with Intolerance as the type in the Resolve Intolerance & Allergen pop-up.
An intolerance can be processed as an allergy or as a "do not serve" for the person in the message. You can set how an intolerance is processed via the Process Intolerances As setting in the MealSuite Connect Interface Settings.
Depending how the intolerance is being processed, refer to the appropriate set of instructions below:
If Processing Intolerances as Allergens
If processing intolerances as allergens, then when resolving an intolerance data mapping issue (either from the Connect screen or the People Listing screen) the following options are available from MealSuite Allergy drop-down:
Map EHR intolerance to existing allergen group - From the drop-down field, select the MealSuite allergen group to map the EHR allergy to. Note that more than on allergen group can be selected if considered appropriate.
Create New MealSuite allergen group from EHR intolerance - You can create a new allergen group in MealSuite using the EHR data by selecting Create New Allergy.
- Ignore Intolerance - You can ignore the intolerance EHR data by selecting Ignore Allergy. When intolerance EHR data is set to ignore, the EHR data is not mapped to an allergen group in the MealSuite system and any subsequent messages with that intolerance data will prevent a resolve message from triggering.
If Processing Intolerances as Do Not Serve
If processing intolerances as do not serve, then when resolving an intolerance data mapping issue (either from the Connect screen or the People Listing screen), the following options are available from MealSuite Allergy drop-down:
Map EHR Intolerance to existing MealSuite Likes & Dislikes Group - From the drop-down field, select the Likes & Dislikes group to map the EHR intolerance to.
Create New Likes & Dislikes Group from EHR Intolerance - You can create a new Likes & Dislikes group in MealSuite using the EHR data by selecting Create New Intolerance.
- Ignore Intolerance - You can ignore the intolerance EHR data by selecting Ignore Tolerance. When intolerance EHR data is set to ignore, the EHR data is not mapped to a Likes & Dislikes group in the MealSuite system and any subsequent messages with that intolerance data will prevent a resolve message from triggering.