- Searching for Items in a Cart or PO
- Filtering Items in a Cart of PO
- Viewing Recipes and Quantity of a Food Item
- Viewing Logic on How Product is Selected
- Setting Columns on a Cart or PO Screen
- Exporting Cart or PO to Excel® Spreadsheet
Searching for Items in a Cart or PO
For an open cart or existing purchase order (Procurement > Purchase Orders > click on cart or purchase order), you can search for a specific item or vendor product via the Search field at the top right of the screen.
The Search field will return results from the following inputs:
- Item description or
- Vendor product description or
- Vendor product number
Filtering Items in a Cart or PO
You can use various filters to help you narrow down the onscreen items you see in a shopping cart or PO. During the review phase of a cart or open PO, using filters is recommended. To use filters, complete the following step:
- Select Procurement > Purchase Orders and click on the desired cart or PO to open it.
- Click the Filters tool at the top right corner to expand the screen with the filter options.
- Select the filters as needed, described as follows:
- Food And Non Food Categories - filter by food item and non-food item categories.
- Stock Item Category - filter by the stock item category of the item.
- Vendor - filters by specific vendor(s).
Availability - filter products by the availability statuses that are applied by the vendor. Statuses that are not self-explanatory are explained as follows:
- Special Order - a special order product is one that has a different (or "special") delivery date from other products that are ordered. See Special Order Products and POs for more information.
- Seasonal - a product that is only available certain times of the year. For example, a Christmas desert.
- Discontinued When Out - a product that will be unavailable when its current stock is depleted, but will again become available (i.e., vendor does not want to remove it from their product catalog).
- Brand - filter by the brand of the vendor product. A common use for this filter is to select a brand that you don't want to purchase to ensure that that brand is not on the cart or open PO, and if so you can change it for another product of another brand.
- Pull By - filter by a food item's Pull By setting: either Stock Unit or Exact Amount. This filter will be used more for the perpetual inventory functionality that will be introduced in a future release, but can have a current use if filtering by Exact Amount, as this indicates an item you may want to remove from your cart or open PO (such as a spice) because it is not purchased frequently.
Breakable Stock Unit - filter by vendor products with the following Breakable Pack settings:
- breakable pack product with the "always purchase" setting set to full pack
- breakable pack product with the "always purchase" setting set to individual stock unit.
Always Break Stock Unit - filter by vendor products with the following Breakable Pack setting:
- breakable pack product with the "always purchase" setting set to individual stock unit.
Catch Weight Items - filter by vendor products with the Catch Weight setting selected (
). Catch weight items (i.e., cheeses and meats) are important to review as they usually are expensive and as such you will want to make sure that the system is not excessively ordering more quantity than is actually needed by production. For example, assume the recipe calls for 10 pounds of ham, and the average catch weight for this item is to purchase it in nine pounds; as such the order quantity calculated on the cart or PO is 2. During the review phase you can adjust the order quantity to 1 and then buy a smaller ham to reach the 10 pounds required for production.
- Items Without a Vendor Product - filter by items without a selected vendor product. This filter is important to select during the review phase of a cart to ensure each item has a vendor product. For more information, see Suggesting a Vendor Product be Linked to an Item via a Cart.
- All Unavailable Products - products not available from the vendor as detected by the PO interface with that vendor.
- Click GO to refresh the screen with results that match the filter criteria.
Viewing Recipes and Quantity of a Food Item
On shopping cart and PO screens, an informational icon appears for an item in the Qty Needed column (first screenshot below). When clicked, the Calculation Breakdown window is displayed for the food item, listing the recipes it is required, and the amount in each recipe (second screenshot below).
Viewing Logic on How Product is Selected
On shopping cart and PO screens, an informational icon appears for a product in the Product column (first screenshot below). When clicked, the Calculation Steps window is displayed (second screenshot below) for the product allowing you to click through the following five screens to see how the vendor product selection logic is performed:
- All Linked products
- After applying vendor preference rules
- After applying GPOs
- Ranked by availability, prioritizing products on Order Guide(s)
- Select Best value
Setting Columns on a Cart or PO Screen
You can set the columns to display on a shopping cart or PO screen, along with their sort order. To do so:
- Select Procurement > Purchase Orders and click on an existing cart or PO to open it.
- Click the Set Columns button. The Set Columns pop-up appears.
- For the columns you want onscreen drag-and-drop them from the right side of the pop-up to the left side of the pop-up. For the columns you do not want onscreen, drag-and-drop them from the left side of the pop-up to the right side of the pop-up.
- You can determine the sort order of the columns displayed onscreen by clicking, holding, and dragging a column to it desired spot in the column list.
- Click Apply to apply your changes and close the pop-up.
Exporting Cart or PO to Excel® Spreadsheet
To export a shopping cart or purchase order to an Excel® spreadsheet, complete the following steps:
- Select Procurement > Purchase Orders and click on the desired cart or PO to open it.
- Click the Export button to generate the Excel file.
- A prompt appears when the file is ready to download. Click the Download button to download the file.