Recommended Steps with Procurement
Vendors and Distribution Centers (DCs)
- Selecting a MealSuite Partner Vendor (i.e., Interface-Enabled Vendor)
- Corporate or System Account: Adding a Non-Partner Vendor and its DCs to Your Account
- Facility Account: Adding a Non-Partner Vendor and DC to Your Account
- Requesting a New Vendor be Added to MealSuite System
- Setting the Vendor Priority
Managing Vendor Products
- Working in a Vendor Product List
- Uploading Vendor Product List (e.g., Order Guide) / Adding Individual Products
- Corporate or System Account: Publishing DC-Specific Vendor Product List to a Child Account (for non-Partner Vendors)
- Understanding Vendor Product Pack Size and Weight
- Status of Electronic Order Guide (eOG) Files (for Partner Vendors)
Vendor Product Selection for Food Items: Overview
- Working in the Vendor Product Selection Screen (aka Buying Preferences Screen)
- Suggesting a Vendor Product be Linked to a Food Item
- FAQs: Vendor Product Selection Terminology
- Generating and Exporting Vendor Product Selection List (aka Buying Preferences)
- Identifying and Troubleshooting Cost per Serving Issues (via the Vendor Product Selection Screen)