About the Cost Over Budget (Menus) Report
For any menu that has a budget per resident applied, and is overbudget, the Cost Over Budget will display the day that is overbudget (if a daily budget is applied to menu), or the meal period that is overbudget (if a meal period budget is applied to menu).
Report Format
If Menu has Daily Budget
If the menu has a daily budget, then any day that is overbudget is listed as a separate row.
If Menu has Meal Period Budgets
If the menu has individual meal period budgets (breakfast, lunch, dinner), then any meal period that is overbudget is listed as a separate row.
Generating the Cost Over Budget report:
To generate the Cost Over Budget report:
- Select Menu > Reports. The Reports screen appears.
- In the Search by Menu field select the menu from which to generate the report. To search for menus owned by your account, select the My Menus option. To search for menus not owned by your account (i.e., menus owned by your parent accounts, and menus owned by any child accounts), select the Other Menus option. Note: Apart from the menu selected, the menu report settings do not apply to the Cost Over Budget report.
- From the left side of the screen select the Cost Over Budget option (under the Cost Analysis expandable section). The Cost Over Budget section appears.
- Depending if your account has child accounts or not, then the remaining instructions differ. Refer to the appropriate steps below:
If Your Account Has Child Accounts
- In the Print As field, you have the option to select your account or a child account (including DC review unit accounts) for which to print the report.
- The Print For field is only active if your account is selected in the Print As field. If so, then from the Print For field, select one of the following options:
- Selected Menu - generates the report for the menu selected in the menu report settings.
All Active Menus - generates the report for all active menus of your account.
- The Include Diets field is active or not depending on the following:
- If the Print For field is Selected Menu, then the report will be generated for the menu selected in the menu report settings. If the menu selected in the base setting is a non-extended menu, then the Include Diets field is not active. However, if the menu selected in the base settings is an extended menu, the Include Diets fields is active.
- If the Print For field is All Active Menus, the Include Diets field is active.
- If the Include Diets field is active, select from one of the following options:
- Regular/Regular Only - generates the report for only items of regular diet type and regular texture type.
All Diet Orders - generates the report for items of all diet types and texture types.
- Click the Generate button. If any menus are overbudget, then a report is generated (opening in a separate browser tab). If no menu is overbudget, then the system returns the following message:
If Your Account Does Not Have Child Accounts
- In Print For field, select one of the following options:
- Selected Menu - generates the report for the menu selected in the menu report settings.
All Active Menus - generates the report for all active menus of your account.
- The Include Diets field is active or not depending on the following:
- If the Print For field is Selected Menu, then the report will be generated for the menu selected in the base settings. If the menu selected in the base setting is a non-extended menu, then the Include Diets field is not active. However, if the menu selected in the base settings is an extended menu, the Include Diets fields is active.
- If the Print For field is All Active menus, the Include Diets field is active.
- If the Include Diets field is active, select from one of the following options:
- Regular/Regular Only - generates the report for only items of regular diet type and regular texture type.
All Diet Orders - generates the report for items of all diet types and texture types.
- Click the Generate button. If any menus are overbudget, then a report is generated (opening in a separate browser tab). If no menu is overbudget, then the system returns the following message: