About the HACCP Compliance Dashboard
The HACCP compliance dashboard provides an "at-a-glance" status of your HACCP compliance for the current day or any past day. To access the HACCP compliance dashboard:
In Touch Admin, select HACCP HQ (under Location Setup). The HACCP HQ screen appears, with the Dashboard tab selected by default.
The dashboard is organized as follows:
- Total Compliance tile - the percentage of HACCP compliance checklists that have been completed for the day.
- Alerts tile - the number of currently active alerts. (The specific alerts can be viewed by clicking the Alerts tab.)
- Late Filing tile - the percentage of completed HACCP compliance checklists that were filed past their due time.
Temperatures Logged tile - the number of food temperatures logged in the Touch app (either via the Service & Delivery Production Sheet or Kitchen Production Sheet).
- Completed Reports tab - lists the HACCP compliance checklists that have been completed for the day. You can view a report by clicking its View link.
- Corrective Actions tab - lists any corrective actions recorded by the Touch user in an HACCP compliance checklist.
Alerts tab - lists the specific alerts triggered for the day, which can include the following types:
- HACCP compliance checklist not completed at its due time.
- Temperature alerts from wireless temperature sensors.
- Low battery or signal strength of a wireless temperature sensor.
HACCP Compliance Dashboard - Video Tutorial (2:46)
View the video tutorial below for more details on using the HACCP Compliance dashboard: