Comparing Profile Data Between PCC and MealSuite
- When Data is Mismatched Between PCC and MealSuite
- Multiple PCC Diet Orders
- Diet Interventions
Comparing Profile Data Between PCC and MealSuite
If your account utilizes a Connect interface to PointClickCare (PCC), then a PointClickCare tab is available on a profile screen to display the data for a PCC resident/patient profile and the equivalent MealSuite resident/patient profile. The profile data is organized into the following sections:
Diet Order
The MealSuite diet order is displayed on the left and the PCC nutrition order is displayed on the right. The mapping relationship of a PCC diet, texture, and fluid to a MealSuite diet, texture and fluid is shown in parenthesis.
Allergies and Intolerances
When Data is Mismatched Between PCC and MealSuite
If profile information is changed manually on the MealSuite side, and that information differs from the PCC side, a mismatch exists. MealSuite data that is mismatched is displayed in red text.
In the example screenshot below, the External ID on the MealSuite side was manually changed, and as such does not match the External ID on the PCC side.
When there is a mismatch, the following message appears at the top of the screen:
"One or more field in the profile do not match the PointClickCare information available to MealSuite. You can update the MealSuite profile manually (to match the PCC data) or use the Sync button to update all MealSuite fields to match the PCC data.
Synching Data from PCC
If wanting to perform a sync to update all MealSuite fields to match the PCC data, click the Sync button.
Multiple PCC Diet Orders
If a profile supports multiple diet orders from PCC (i.e., different diet type, texture type, fluid type combinations), then the most recent diet order is assigned to the person. The active PCC nutrition orders for a person are displayed in the PCC tab in the Diet Order section (screenshot below). The PCC nutrition orders are listed from the most recent (left, and assigned to the person) to the oldest (right).
The mapping relationship of a PCC diet, texture, and fluid to the MealSuite diet, texture and fluid is shown in parenthesis.
Note 1: At this time in the MealSuite system, only the primary diet order is used to control what foods are served on the personal menu (i.e., multiple diet orders are not considered in personal menu calculations). Any additional diet orders are informational only and will be listed on reports throughout the system.
PCC Diet Order set as On Hold
A PCC diet order that is set as on hold in PCC is indicated as such with the On Hold text in the Status row.
How PCC Conflicting Diet Orders are Handled
When a profile has more than one active PCC diet order, there is a potential for conflict between the diet orders. For example, assume PCC diet order 1 has a diet type of regular that is mapped to the regular diet type for the profile, and PCC diet order 2 has a diet type of vegan that is mapped to the vegan diet type in the profile. Because the profile now has two different diet types, a message is generated to indicate such.
The message types that can be generated are as follows:
Conflict type | Message |
Diet Type conflict | Conflicting diet types are assigned in PCC diet orders. Only the most recent diet type has been assigned to the profile. |
Texture Type conflict | Conflicting Textures are assigned in PCC diet orders. Only the most recent Texture has been assigned to the profile. It is highly recommended addressing this conflict in PCC. |
Fluid Type conflict |
Conflicting Fluid consistencies are assigned in PCC diet orders. Only the most recent Fluid Consistency has been assigned to the profile. It is highly recommended addressing this conflict in PCC. |
Diet Interventions
If a diet type for a PCC diet order is mapped to a MealSuite diet intervention, then that diet intervention is displayed in parenthesis beside the PCC diet type in the respective PCC Nutrition Order column.
The Diet Intervention row populates the mapped diet interventions in the MealSuite column (nothing is shown in the PCC Nutrition Order columns as by design). If another diet type from another PCC nutrition order is mapped to a diet intervention, then that diet intervention is also listed in in the Diet Intervention row in the MealSuite column.