About Resolving a Diet Order Mapping Issue
This article explains the options available from the MealSuite Diet Order drop-down field when resolving an unmapped diet order either from the Connect screen or the People Listing screen.
- Options when Resolving a Diet Type Data Mapping Issue
- Option when Resolving a Texture Type Data Mapping Issue
- Option when Resolving a Fluid Type Data Mapping Issue
- Options when Resolving a Diet Intervention Mapping Issue
Options when Resolving a Diet Type Data Mapping Issue
When resolving an unmapped diet type (either from the Connect screen or the People Listing screen), you have the following options from the MealSuite Diet Order drop-down:
Map EHR diet type to MealSuite diet type - For the unmapped EHR diet type, select its diet type match. For example, EHR "Heart Healthy" to MealSuite "Cardiac".
Map EHR diet type to a new diet intervention - for the unmapped EHR diet type, select Create New Diet Intervention. A confirmation message appears stating the diet intervention has been created and that you can configure it by adding customizations and restrictions to it (for instructions to do so, click here). When a diet type is mapped to a diet intervention, then future messages with that diet type will assign the mapped diet intervention to the person in the message.
- Map EHR diet type to existing diet intervention - For the unmapped EHR diet type, select the existing diet intervention from the MealSuite Diet Order drop-down. When a diet type is mapped to a diet intervention, then future messages with that diet type will assign the mapped diet intervention to the person in the message.
Option when Resolving a Texture Type Data Mapping Issue
When resolving an unmapped texture type (either from the Connect screen or the People Listing screen), select its texture type match in the MealSuite Diet Order drop-down field.
Option when Resolving a Fluid Type Data Mapping Issue
When resolving an unmapped fluid type, select its fluid type match in the MealSuite Diet Order drop-down field.
Options when Resolving a Diet Intervention Mapping Issue
A diet intervention is identified with Modifier as the type in the Resolve Diet Order pop-up.
When resolving an unmapped diet intervention (either from the Connect screen or the People Listing screen), you have the following options from the MealSuite Diet Order drop-down:
Map EHR Diet Intervention to existing MealSuite diet intervention - select the MealSuite diet intervention to map the EHR diet intervention to. Note that the drop-down field only shows MealSuite diet interventions that are not currently in a mapping relationship. When a diet type is mapped to a diet intervention, then future messages with that diet type will assign the mapped diet intervention to the person in the message.
Map EHR diet intervention to new diet intervention - If the diet intervention does not exist in MealSuite, you have the ability to create one by selecting Create New Diet Intervention. Upon doing so, a confirmation message appears stating that the diet intervention has been created and that you can configure it by adding customizations and restrictions to it (for instructions to do so, click here). When a diet type is mapped to a diet intervention, then future messages with that diet type will assign the mapped diet intervention to the person in the message.
- Ignore Diet Intervention - You can ignore the diet intervention EHR data by selecting Ignore Diet Intervention (screenshot below). When diet intervention EHR data is set to ignore, the EHR data is not mapped to a diet intervention in the MealSuite system, and any subsequent messages with that diet intervention data will prevent a resolve diet intervention message from triggering.
Video Tutorial - Diet Order Mapping (3:25)
I don't see a diet type, texture type or fluid type to map to?
If not seeing a diet, texture, or fluid type to map to, it could be that the diet, texture or fluid type is unpublished. For more information on unpublished diets, textures, and fluids, and to republish if needed, see Working with Diet Orders.
Does Connect "auto-correct" incomplete diet order information coming from the EHR?
When the diet order information is incomplete from the EHR, then Connect will process it as an invalid diet order.
For the safety of your residents, no personal menu will be calculated when a diet order is invalid, and you are alerted of the invalid diet order for you to take the necessary steps to resolve it accordingly.
See Invalid Diet Orders for more information.