For a weekly menu (standard menu, snack menu, and also available menu set as a weekly menu), its menu cycle always starts on a Monday; therefore it is always recommended to have the start date be a Monday when you schedule the menu.
If you need to confirm the start date for a currently-scheduled menu, you can do so by opening the Menus Listing screen, and viewing its Start Date.
If you need to reschedule the menu to a Monday start date you can do by rescheduling it with the new Monday start date. Note the following when a menu is unscheduled:
- For persons with the advanced ordering service type, any future orders that they have placed will be cleared from their personal menus.
- If forecasting has been applied to a menu and you reschedule the menu, any existing orders in an unlocked forecasting worksheet are cleared. Any orders in a locked forecasting worksheet remain in the system (i.e., not cleared).
After selecting the new start date, the following message appears to inform you of the date/meals in the locked forecasting worksheets that will be recalculated:
Click the Change Start Date and Recalculate Forecast button to apply the new start date.