- About the Recipe Nutrient Summary Report
- Determining Nutrients to be in the Report
- Selecting Menu and its Settings to Determine Items to be in the Report
- Report Settings: Recipe Nutrient Summary
About the Recipe Nutrient Summary Report
The Recipe Nutrient Summary report displays the nutrient values for each recipe served on the menu and week that is selected in the menu report settings. The report generates one page for each recipe according to the sort order that you select (discussed below).
When multiple diet orders (diet type/texture type combinations) are selected in the menu report settings, each report is separately listed in a consolidated report, with a table of contents as the first page listing each diet type/texture type combination.
Determining Nutrients to be in the Report
The nutrients to be included in the Recipe Nutrient Summary (Menus) report are selected via Tools & Setup > Recipe Tools > Key Nutrients tab. See Selecting Key Nutrients for more information.
Selecting Menu and its Settings to Determine Items to be in the Report
Via Menus > Reports, select the menu and its associated settings (weeks, choices, diet/texture combinations, menu categories) to determine the items to be included in the report. See the separate article Accessing the Menu Report Settings for more information and specific instructions.
Report Settings: Recipe Nutrient Summary
After selecting the menu and its settings, then from the left side of the screen select the Recipe Nutrient Summary option. The Recipe Nutrient Summary section appears for you to select the report settings.
Order By - select how the recipes are to be sorted:
Alphabetical - recipes are listed alphabetically, and are only printed once.
Menu Category - recipes are listed according to the alphabetical order of the menu categories (e.g., beverage, bread, cereal, etc.). If a recipe exists in multiple categories, then that recipe is only listed once in the first menu category appearance. For example, if the cranberry muffin exists in both the bread and dessert menu categories, then the cranberry muffin is listed with the items in the bread menu category because the bread menu category is before the dessert menu category alphabetically.
Appearance - recipes are sorted via their appearance on the menu selected in the menu report settings. With Appearance selected, the Consolidate By setting appears with the following options:
- All - when there are multiple instances of a recipe (meaning it exists in different meal periods, days, weeks, menu categories, and choices), the recipe only prints once.
- Week - when there are multiple instances of a recipe (meaning it exists in different meal periods, days, weeks, menu categories, and choices), the recipe only prints once for the week that is selected in the menu report settings (only one week can be selected in the settings).
- Day - when there are multiple instances of a recipe (meaning it exists in different meal periods, days, weeks, menu categories, and choices), the recipe only prints once for each day it is being served for the week selected in the menu report settings.
Do not Consolidate - when there are multiple instances of a recipe (meaning it exists in different meal periods, days, weeks, menu categories, and choices), the recipe prints for each instance.
Alphabetical - recipes are listed alphabetically, and are only printed once.
Service Meals - displays the week, day and meal period of each recipe below the recipe’s title.
Table Of Contents - lists each recipe in a table of contents at the beginning of the report.
- Recipes Used As Ingredients - select this option to include nutrient values of recipes used as ingredients in other recipes. Recipes used as ingredients print after the recipe in which they are used regardless of the sort order selected in the Order By field. In addition, they use the serving size equivalent of the recipe of which they are an ingredient.