About Forecast Exceptions
A forecast method (Percentage Forecast Method, Total Needed Forecast Method, Census Forecast Method, Set Method By Meal Forecast Method) allows you to configure 'forecast exceptions' for a special event menu, an also available menu, and a liquid menu.
When the forecast method is applied to a special event menu, an also available menu or a liquid menu, then those menus will use the 'forecast exceptions' that were created for the forecast method. A forecast exception allows for the following:
- Not forecast the special event menu, also available menu, or liquid menu.
- Use a different forecast method on the special event menu, also available menu, or liquid menu.
- Use the same forecast method but with different default settings (i.e., different percentages or different total needed amounts) on the special event menu, also available menu, or liquid menu.

Creating a Forecasting Exception
To create a forecast exception for a forecast method, complete the following steps:
- Select Production > Forecasting. The Forecasting screen appears.
- Click the Forecasting Settings button at the top right. The Production & Forecasting Settings screen appears. Note: Another means to access forecast settings is Tools & Setup > Manage Facility > Forecasting Settings tab.
- Click the Forecast Method button. The Forecast method section appears.
- From the Forecast Method field, select the forecast method: Percentage, Total Needed, Census, Set Method by Meal.
- Click the Set Menu Type Exception button, and then click the Create Exceptions button. The screen refreshes accordingly.
- Enter or select the following:
- Exception Name - enter a name for the forecasting exception.
- Applies To - select the menu to apply forecast exception to: Special Event, Also Available, or Liquid. note that you can select more than one menu.
Forecast Method
- To not forecast the menu, select Do Not Forecast.
- To apply a different forecast method as the exception, or use the same forecast method but with different default settings, select the desired forecast method: Percentage, Total Needed, Census. The screen refreshes accordingly (the Percentage Forecast Method is first screenshot below, and the Total Needed Forecast Method is the second screenshot below).
- If you chose the Percentage Forecast Method, your next steps are to enter the default percentages, which can be done by entering a percentage for each choice that applies across all menu categories or by entering percentages for each choice of each menu category. Rather than repeat the instructions here, the same instructions can be found on the Configuring the Percentages Forecast Method page in this online user guide, specifically the Entering Percentages for Each Choice section and the Entering Percentages for Each Choice of Each Menu Category section on the page.
- If you chose the Total Needed Forecast Method, your next steps are to enter the default total needed amounts, which can be done by entering a single serving number that applies across all meals or by entering serving numbers for each menu category. Rather than repeat the instructions here, the same instructions can be found in the Configuring the Total Needed Forecast Method article, specifically the Entering Single Serving Number section and the Entering Serving Number for Each Menu Category section.
- If you chose the Census Forecast Method, or have finished configuring either the percentage or total needed forecast method, click Save to apply your changes, and the newly-created forecast exception appears onscreen, as per screenshot below.