- About Stock Item Categories
- Viewing Existing Stock Item Categories
- Creating a Stock Item Category
- Changing Stock Item Category for an Item
- Unpublishing/Publishing a Stock Item Category
- Deleting a Stock Item Category
About Stock Item Categories
A stock item category is a means to classify how an item (food item, prepared food, or non-food item) is stocked. Examples of a stock item category are meat, fresh bakery, dry goods, beverage, etc.
The stock item category for an item can be used as a filter whenever you are searching for an item in the various areas in the system.
Most items in the system are assigned a default stock item category, and you have the ability to change the stock item category for an item (see Changing Stock Item Category for an Item).
In addition, your account is able to create new stock item categories for your use (see Creating a Stock Item Category)
Viewing Existing Stock Item Categories
To view the stock item categories available in your account:
From the left navigation pane, select Tools & Setup > Food Settings. The Stock Item Categories screen appears, listing the existing stock item categories.
Exporting Stock Item Category List to Excel® File
The stock item categories can be exported to an Excel® file. To do so, click the Export button at the top left of the screen (first screenshot below). When the file is ready, click the Download button to the message that appears (second screenshot below).
Creating a Stock Item Category
To create a stock item category for use in your account and any child accounts, complete the following steps:
- From the left navigation pane, select Tools & Setup > Food Settings. The Stock Item Categories screen appears.
- Click the Add New button. The New Stock Item Category slide-out panel appears.
- In the Category Name field, enter the name of the stock item category.
- In the Category Type field, select if the category type is Food or Non Food.
- Click the Save button. The new stock item category is added to your account. Close the slide-out panel. A stock item added to your account appears as a link for you to unpublish/publish, and also has the gear icon in the Action column allowing you to delete it.
Changing Stock Item Category for an Item
- Changing Stock Item Category for a Food Item or Prepared Food
- Changing Stock Item Category for a Non-Food Item
- Reverting To Default Stock Item Category for an Item
Changing Stock Item Category for a Food Item or Prepared Food
- Select Recipes > Food Listing to open the Food Listing screen.
- Search for the desired item (i.e., ingredient or prepared food) via the Search field at the top right. You can also search for items by using the Filters, which displays items that match your search criteria.
- Clicking the Look Up Name of the item to open its slide-out panel, where the information about the food is displayed.
- In the Stock Item Category field, select the desired stock item category.
- Click the Save button at the top of the slide-out panel to apply your changes.
Changing Stock Item Category for a Non-Food Item
- Select Recipes > Non Food Items to open the Non-Food Items screen.
- Search for the desired item via the Search field at the top right. You can also search for items by using the Filters, which displays items that match your search criteria.
- Clicking the Look Up Name of the item to open its slide-out panel, where the information about the item is displayed.
- In the Stock Item Category field, select the desired stock item category.
- Click the Save button at the top of the slide-out panel to apply your changes.
Reverting To Default Stock Item Category for an Item
When the default stock item category for an item has been changed, a "Revert to Default" button exists beside the Stock Item Category field for that item. Clicking the button resets to the default stock item category for that item.
Unpublishing/Publishing a Stock Item Category
- About Unpublishing/Publishing a Stock Item Category
- Unpublishing a Stock Item Category
- Publishing a Stock Item Category
About Unpublishing/Publishing a Stock Item Category
By default, when a stock item category is created by your account, it is automatically published and therefore available for use in any child accounts to assign items to.
You can unpublish a stock item category created by your account to not have it available in your child accounts. If an item is currently assigned a stock item category that you unpublish, the stock item category will be removed from that item, and the item will remain without a stock item category.
At any time you can republish an unpublished stock item category.
Unpublishing a Stock Item Category
To unpublish a stock item category:
- From the left navigation pane, select Tools & Setup > Food Settings. The Stock Item Categories screen appears.
- Locate the stock item category and click its name to open the slide-out panel.
- Click the green Published button to change it to the black Unpublished button.
- Close the slide-out panel.
Publishing a Stock Item Category
When a stock item category becomes unpublished, you can republish it. To do so:
- From the left navigation pane, select Tools & Setup > Food Settings. The Stock Item Categories screen appears.
- Locate the stock item category and click its name to open the slide-out panel.
- Click the black Unpublished button to change it to the green Published button.
- Close the slide-out panel.
Deleting a Stock Item Category
You can delete a stock item category created by your account. If an item is currently assigned a stock item category that you delete, the stock item category will be removed from that item, and the item will remain without a stock item category.
To delete a stock item category:
- From the left navigation pane, select Tools & Setup > Food Settings. The Stock Item categories screen appears.
- For the stock item category to delete, click its gear icon in the Actions column and click Delete.
- Click Delete to the confirmation message that appears.