Adding a Product to the POS (via the POS Manager Module)
Via the POS Manager module in POS, you can add a product to your POS. To do so, complete the following steps:
- In POS, from the Tools menu at the top right of the screen, select POS Manager. The POS Manager screen appears.
- From the menu on the right side, select POS Item Management. The POS Item Management screen appears.
- Scroll to the bottom of the screen and tap the Add Products button. The Product Add/Edit screen appears.
- Enter or select the following:
- Product Name - enter the name of the product (follow best practices).
- Production Area - select the production area if required.
- Category - select the category you want to assign the product to.
- Billing Code Override - if the product is to override the billing code for its assigned category, enter that billing code here. A billing code is used on a financial export interface (i.e., Bill to Room Export Interface) to indicate what billing code a POS product is associated with. Note that billing codes are set up by your MealSuite (CSM) customer success manager (if you are a MealSuite CSM, click here for the internal article on setting up billing codes).
- Tax Override - if the product is to override the sales tax(es) for its category, select those sales tax(es) here.
- GL Account Override - if the product is to override the GL account for its category, enter that GL account here. Note that GL accounts are first set up by your MealSuite CSM (customer success manager) to be available for assigning to a a product (if you are a MealSuite CSM, click here for the internal article on setting up GL accounts).
- Barcode Value - if the product has a bar code value, enter it here (follow best practices listed above)
- Product Type - two values are available: Inventoried Product or Non Inventoried Product. For a physical product that requires tracking in inventory, select Inventoried Product. For a non-physical product, such as a "delivery product", select Non Inventoried Product.
Price Type - select the price type:
- Fixed
- Price By G
- Price By KG
- Price By Oz
- Price By Lb
- Variable (if selected, then the price will be entered on the POS front end by the POS user)
- Price (not available if Variable is selected as the Price Type) - enter the price. (Note that the price will also be updated in the price book that is associated with the POS location).
- Do not show this item on production tickets or screens - if the product item is not a meal item that needs to be prepared in a production area, then select this check box.
- Tap the Save button to save the product.
- Tap the Back button at the top of the screen to see the newly-listed product. If not seeing the product, it could be the category it is assigned to is not displayed on the grid; therefore turn off the Show Items On POS Grid Only filter to show products that are not showing on the grid.
How Does a Product get onto the POS Grid?
A product is made available in the POS via the category it is assigned to. For example, if a cup of yogurt is assigned to the Snacks category, then that cup of yogurt will be available in the Snacks category tile on the POS grid.
If a Products and Services Grid
If the category tile is on the products and services grid, any products in the associated category will be available automatically. If required to add a category to the products and services grid, then it is done in the Touch Admin software; see the following article Building a POS Products and Services Grid, specifically Creating a Category Tile on a Products and Services Grid.
If a Food and Beverages Grid
If the category tile is on a food and beverages grid, then any products in the associated category will only be available if that category tile is configured to allow products (screenshot below) in the Touch Admin software; see the instructions below if needed: Configuring a Category Tile on Food & Beverages Grid to Allow Products.
Configuring a Category Tile on Food & Beverages Grid to Allow Products
To open an existing category tile on the Food & Beverages grid to allow it to display products, complete the following steps:
- In the Touch Admin software, select POS Settings > Grids. The Grids screen appears.
- Click the name of the food & beverages grid to open it.
- Select the meal service (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner) you want to open.
- For the category tile you want to edit, click its Edit icon.
- Select the Products check box.
- Click the Edit [name of tile] button to apply your changes.
Option: Product Can be a Stand-Alone Product on the POS Grid
It is possible to have the product offered as a stand-alone product on grid not part of its category. To add a product as a stand-alone product on a grid, see Offering Product as Stand-Alone Product on POS Grid.