If single sign on (SSO) for the MealSuite Portal app is not enabled for your account, then users will be required to login to the Portal App, which involves entering their first name, last name, and PIN (personal identification number). This article explains the PIN options available for residents and staff members to access the app.
PIN Options for Residents
The following options are available for resident PINs:
Using Birth Year as PIN
Contact MealSuite Support to enable residents to use their birth year as a PIN; if you are MealSuite Support, click here for internal instructions on enabling residents to use their birth year as a PIN.
Creating a PIN for a Resident
You have the ability to create a PIN for a resident. To do so, complete the following steps:
- Open the resident's diner profile.
- In the Portal PIN Code field, enter the PIN code for the user.
- Click the Update Resident button to apply your changes.
Allowing a Resident to Create their own PIN
You can allow a resident to create their own PIN upon their next login to the Portal App (as per screenshot below).
To do so, complete the following steps:
- Open the resident's diner profile.
- Select the Portal - Require PIN reset on next login check box.
- Click the Update Resident button to apply your changes.
- After the resident signs in, they will be prompted to change their PIN code. Once they do, the PIN code will be automatically populated in the Portal PIN Code field in the diner profile, and the Portal - require PIN reset on next login check box will automatically clear.
PIN Options for Staff Members
The following options are available for staff PINs:
- Using Staff Client ID as PIN
- Using Staff Badge/RFID Tag # ID as PIN
- Creating a PIN for a Staff Member
- Allowing a Staff Member to Create their own PIN
- Automatically Generate PINs for Staff Members
Using Staff Client ID as PIN
If a staff member has a client ID in their POS profile (screenshot below), then it can be used as their PIN to log into the Portal app.
Contact MealSuite Support to allow staff to use their client ID as a PIN; if you are MealSuite Support, click here for internal instructions on enabling staff to use their client ID as a PIN.
Using Staff Badge/RFID Tag # ID as PIN
If a staff member has a badge number/RFID tag # in their diner profile (screenshot below), then it can be used as their PIN to log into the Portal app.
Contact MealSuite Support to allow staff to use their badge/RFID tag # ID as a PIN; if you are MealSuite Support, click here for internal instructions on enabling staff to use their badge/RFID tag # as a PIN.
Creating a PIN for a Staff Member
You have the ability to create a PIN for a staff member. To do so, complete the following steps:
- Open the staff member's diner profile.
- In the Portal PIN Code field, enter the PIN code for the user.
- Click the Update Staff button to apply your changes.
Allowing a Staff Member to Create their own PIN
You can allow a staff member to create their own PIN upon their next login to the Portal App. To do so, complete the following steps:
- Open the staff member's diner profile.
- Select the Portal - Require PIN reset on next login check box.
- Click the Update Staff button to apply your changes.
- After the staff member signs in, they will be prompted to change their PIN code (screenshot below). Once they do, the PIN code will be automatically populated in the Portal PIN Code field in the diner profile, and the Portal - require PIN reset on next login check box will automatically clear.
Automatically Generate PINs for Staff Members
If a staff member is not already set up with a PIN in the Portal PIN Code field of their diner profile, then you can have the system generate PIN codes and automatically populate them in each staff member's Portal PIN Code field (screenshot below).
Contact MealSuite Support to automatically generate PINs for staff members: if you are MealSuite Support, click here for internal instructions on automatically generating PINs for staff members.