- About Staff Schedules
- Creating a Schedule
- Applying an Exception to a Schedule
- Tutorial Video - Creating a Schedule and Applying Exception
- Editing a Schedule
- Deleting a Schedule
- Entering an End Date for a Staff Schedule
About Staff Schedules
If a POS Operator has access to the POS Manager module in POS, then they can create and edit schedules for the staff members offering services in a POS service location.
Creating a Schedule
To create a schedule, complete the following steps:
- In POS, from the Tools menu at the top right of the screen, select POS Manager. The POS Manager screen appears.
- From the menu on the right side, select Schedules & Services (screenshot below). The Schedules & Services Management screen appears.
Note: If you do not see the Schedules & Services option, it indicates your user profile is not enabled with the option. Contact MealSuite Support to enable the Schedules & Services option. If you are Support, click here for the internal article on enabling Schedules & Services.
- Tap the Schedules tab. Any existing schedules are listed.
- Tap the Add Schedule button. The Add/Edit Schedule screen appears.
- In the Schedule name field, enter the name of the staff member whose schedule you are creating.
- Tap the Allowed Service field, and a pop-up appears listing the available services organized by category.
- Select the services offered by the staff member and tap OK. Note that selecting a category selects all services in that category.
- You can select a color to associate with the staff member by tapping the desired color swatch. The selected colour will be used to quickly identify the person when viewing the appointments calendar on the POS.
- You can set the same start and end time for each day, or you can set different start and end times for different days. Refer to the appropriate set of instructions below.
Setting Same Start and End Time Each Day
- In the Start Time field, select the starting time of the staff member. In the End Time field, select the quit time for the staff member.
- Select the days of the week that the staff member works the selected hours.
- Tap the Save button.
- Tap the left arrow to return to the Schedules screen, where the newly-created schedule is listed.
Setting Different Start and End Times for Days
- Toggle the Set Advance Time to on (first screenshot below) and a pop-up appears for you to select the specific times for the specific days (second screenshot below).
- Select the days and the times.
- Tap Save to apply your changes and close the pop-up.
- Tap the left arrow to return to the Schedules screen, where the newly-created schedule is listed, with Advance Timing shown for the Start Time and End Time.
Applying an Exception to a Schedule
You can apply an exception to a schedule, such as what will be required if a staff member is on vacation, or if a staff member will have adjusted hours for a particular day. To add an exception to a schedule, complete the following steps:
- In POS, from the Tools menu at the top right of the screen, select POS Manager. The POS Manager screen appears.
- From the menu on the right side, select Schedules & Services. The Schedules & Services Management screen appears.
- Tap the Schedules tab. Any existing schedules are listed.
- Tap the edit icon (
) of the schedule to apply an exception to. The Add/Edit Schedule screen appears.
- Tap the Add Exception link. The Exceptions panel appears.
- In the Exception Name field, enter an appropriate name for the exception (e.g. "Summer Vacation").
- Select the Exception Type:
- Unavailable - the staff member will be unavailable during the exception to their schedule.
- Available - the staff member will be available during the exception to their schedule.
- In the Start Date field, select the date the exception is to start.
- If the exception is within a specific day or a specific period (e.g., a vacation), then toggle the End Date to Yes, and in the End Date field, enter the date the exception is to end. Note that for an exception that is within a specific day, the end date will be the same as the start date.
- In the Start Time and End Time fields, enter the time range the exception is to occur.
- Tap the Save button to apply your changes. The newly-added exception is listed in the Exceptions section.
- To add another exception, tap the Add Exception link and repeat the above steps.
Tutorial Video - Creating a Schedule and Applying Exception
At the 1:17 mark, the video below explains how to create a schedule and apply an exception.
Editing a Schedule
To edit an existing schedule, complete the following steps:
- In POS, from the Tools menu at the top right of the screen, select POS Manager. The POS Manager screen appears.
- From the menu on the right side, select Schedules & Services. The Schedules & Services Management screen appears.
- Tap the Schedules tab. Any existing schedules are listed.
- Tap the edit icon (
) of the schedule to edit. The Add/Edit Schedule screen appears.
- Make your changes as needed. Note that if the person is set set with different start/end times for days, these can be edited by tapping the View/Edit Advanced Time button.
- Tap the Save button to apply your changes.
Deleting a Schedule
A schedule can be deleted if there are no active appointments. To delete an existing schedule, complete the following steps:
- In POS, from the Tools menu at the top right of the screen, select POS Manager. The POS Manager screen appears.
- From the menu on the right side, select Schedules & Services. The Schedules & Services Management screen appears.
- Tap the Schedules tab. Any existing schedules are listed.
- Tap the delete icon (
) of the schedule to delete. If there are no active appointments booked within the schedule, a confirmation message appears. Tap OK to the message. The schedule is deleted.
Entering an End Date for a Staff Schedule
An end date for a staff schedule can be entered, such as what is required if the staff member will be leaving the company. To enter an end date:
- In POS, from the Tools menu at the top right of the screen, select POS Manager. The POS Manager screen appears.
- From the menu on the right side, select Schedules & Services. The Schedules & Services Management screen appears.
- Tap the Schedules tab. Any existing schedules are listed.
- Tap the edit icon (
) of the schedule to edit. The Add/Edit Schedule screen appears.
- Tap the End Date? toggle to Yes, and enter the end date.
- Tap the Save button to apply your changes.