Can I adjust forecasting for a diet order? Can I adjust forecasting for an individual diet type, texture type, or fluid type?
No. The system does not allow forecasting for a diet order (i.e., diet type/texture type combination) and does not allow forecasting for an individual diet type, texture type, or fluid type.
- If your facility forecasts by percentages:
- You can adjust percentages for a specific menu item. See Adjusting Forecasting Percentages for a Menu Item.
- You can adjust percentages for a category/choice combination. See Adjusting Forecasting Percentages (on Forecasting Worksheet).
- If your facility forecasts by total needed numbers, you can adjust the numbers for a specific item. See Adjusting Total Needed Forecasting Amounts for a Menu Item.
You can also manually adjust serving numbers; to do so see Manually Adjusting Serving Amounts on a Worksheet.