This article presents troubleshooting steps to follow if a product or service is not appearing on the POS. If a menu item is not appearing on the POS, then instead see the following article: Troubleshooting Why a Menu Item is Not Appearing on the POS
How Does a Product/Service Get Onto a POS Grid?
Product/Service Belongs to the Category Tile Assigned to Grid
A product or service is made available on a POS grid via the category it is assigned to (either a menu category from the core system, or a non-menu category manually created in Touch Admin). Categories are represented as category tiles on a POS grid. For example, if a cup of yogurt is assigned to the Snacks category, then that cup of yogurt will be available in the Snacks category tile on the POS grid.
If the category tile is on a Products & Services grid, any products/services in the associated category will be available automatically.
However, if the category tile is on a Food & Beverages grid, then any products/services in the associated category will only be available if that category tile is configured to allow products/services. Therefore, if a product/service is not available on your grid, the reason could be that the category is not allowing products to be shown. To resolve this issue, see Configuring a Category Tile on Food & Beverages Grid to Allow Products below.
Configuring a Category Tile on Food & Beverages Grid to Allow Products/Services
To open an existing category tile on the Food & Beverages grid to configure it to display its assigned products/services on the POS grid, complete the following steps:
- In the Touch Admin software, select POS Settings > Grids. The Grids screen appears.
- Click the name of the food & beverages grid to open it.
- Select the meal service (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner) you want to open.
- For the category tile you want to edit, click its Edit icon.
- Select the Products check box.
- Click the Edit [name of tile] button to apply your changes.
Option for Product Only: Product Can be a Stand-Alone Product on the POS Grid
It is possible to have a product (but not a service) offered as a stand-alone product on the grid outside of its category. To add a product as a stand-alone product on a grid, see Offering Product as Stand-Alone Product on POS Grid.
I am not seeing a product/service on the POS grid?
If the grid is a products & services grid
- Ensure the non-menu category that the product/service is assigned to is itself assigned as a category tile in the grid; see Creating a Category Tile on a Products and Services Grid.
- If the non-menu category is not available to assign as a tile to the products & services grid, then ensure that the category has its This category can be applied to non-food products check box selected, which allows it to be available for selection on a products & services grid. See Opening a Non-Menu Category to access this check box.
If the grid is a food & beverages grid
- Ensure the category that the product/service is assigned to (either a menu category from the core system, or a non-menu category manually created in Touch Admin) is itself assigned as a category tile in the grid and that its Products check box is selected (screenshot below); see Creating a Category Tile on a Food and Beverages Grid.
- If the category is already assigned to the grid, then ensure its Products check box is selected (screenshot below) to allow its assigned product/services to be displayed on the POS grid (see also Configuring a Category Tile on Food & Beverages Grid to Allow Products above).
Confirm that the product is not in a category that is also assigned to the POS Modifiers grid
A product will not appear on the POS grid if its product category is a category tile on both the POS grid and the Modifiers grid. It is recommended to remove the category tile from the Modifiers grid, as that is not usually required. The category may have been added to the Modifiers grid in the mistaken belief that it was needed as part of configuring Modifier Prompt (i.e., Forced Modifiers).