- About the POS Default Modifiers Grid
Activating the POS Default Modifiers Grid
- Copying a Modifiers Grid to Create a New Modifiers Grid
- Configuring a Modifiers Grid
- Adding an Image to a Modifier Category (i.e., sub_page) Tile
- Adding an Image to a Modifier Tile
- Adding a Colour to a Modifier Category (i.e., sub_page) Tile
- Adding a Colour to a Modifier Tile
About the POS Default Modifiers Grid
The POS default modifiers grid contains extras or add-on products that a POS operator can navigate through for an ordered menu item, such as “well done”, “add pickle”, “no onion”, “dressing on the side”, etc.
When an ordered item is tapped on the right side, then the modifier grid appears on the left for the POS operator to add any modifiers to the food item.
The default modifiers grid can be customized as needed, or used as a template to create a new modifiers grid.
The default modifiers grid is organized by sub_page tiles. A sub_page tile functions as a top-level "modifier category" that itself contains the modifiers specific to the category (right-click image below to open and expand in new tab).
In addition. there is a "Write In Modifier" tile that allows the POS operator to manually enter a modifier on the POS screen.
The default sub-page "modifier category" tiles and their modifiers are as follows:
- Sub_Page Tile: Meat Cooking and Prep
- Modifier: Rare
- Modifier: Medium Rare
- Modifier: Medium
- Modifier: Medium Well
- Modifier: Well Done
- Sub_Page Tile: Other Cooking and Prep
- Modifier: Over Easy
- Modifier: Over Medium
- Modifier: Poached
- Modifier: Fried
- Modifier: Crispy
- Modifier: Diced
- Sub_Page Tile: Portions
- Modifier: Double Portion
- Modifier: Extra Portion
- Modifier: Small Portion
- Modifier: Half Portion
- Sub_Page Tile: Garnish and Vegetables
- Modifier: No Vegetables
- Modifier: Extra Vegetables
- Modifier: Vegetables on the Side
- Modifier: Add Lettuce
- Modifier: No Lettuce
- Modifier: Add Tomato
- Modifier: No Tomato
- Modifier: Add Onion
- Modifier: No Onion
- Modifier: Add Pickle
- Modifier: No Pickle
- Modifier: Add Mushroom
- Modifier: No Mushroom
- Sub_Page Tile: Condiments
- Modifier: No Condiments
- Modifier: Extra Condiments
- Modifier: Condiments on the Side
- Modifier: No Dressing
- Modifier: Dressing on the Side
- Modifier: Add Ketchup
- Modifier: No Ketchup
- Modifier: Add Mustard
- Modifier: No Mustard
- Modifier: Add Mayo
- Modifier: No Mayo
- Modifier: Add Gravy
- Modifier: No Gravy
- Sub_Page Tile: Beverages
- No Ice
- Add Ice
- Light Ice
Activating the POS Default Modifiers Grid
To activate the default modifiers grid for a POS location, you assign it to the POS location. To do so:
- Select POS Settings > Grids. The Macro Grids screen appears.
- Click the Default grid name. The Default Modifiers grid screen appears.
- In the POS Location field at the top right of the grid screen (below the Update Meal Grid button), select the POS location to assign the Default modifiers grid to.
- Click the Update Meal Grid button to apply your changes.
Note: A POS location can only be assigned one modifiers grid. Therefore, if you do not see the POS location from the POS Location field, it indicates that another modifiers grid is assigned to that POS location. If necessary to break an existing POS location/modifiers grid assignment, then open the other modifiers grid, remove the POS location from its POS Location field, and then click the Update Meal Grid button to apply the change.
Renaming the Default Modifiers Grid
You can change the name of the default modifiers grid. It is recommended to name the grid after the POS location. For example, "Bistro Modifiers". To do so:
- While on the Macro Grids screen (POS Settings > Grids), click the Default grid name to open its grid screen.
- At the top left of the screen, click the edit icon:
. The Edit Grid Name pop-up appears.
- Enter the name for the modifiers grid. It is recommended to name the grid after the POS location. For example, "Bistro Modifiers".
- Click Change Name to apply the new name.
Copying the Default Modifiers Grid to Create a New Modifiers Grid
You can create a modifiers grid for each POS location. Rather than creating a modifiers grid from scratch, you can copy the default modifiers grid and configure it as needed. To do so, complete the following steps:
- Select POS Settings > Grids. The Macro Grids screen appears.
- Click the Copy button of the Default modifiers grid. The Copy Grid prompt appears.
- Click the Copy button. A copy of the grid is created with the prefix of "Copy of" in front of the existing name.
- Your next step is to give the modifiers grid its name. It is recommended to name the grid after the POS location it is to be assigned to; for example, "Bistro Modifiers". While on the Macro Grids screen (POS Settings > Grids), click the "Copy of" modifiers grid name link to open its grid screen.
- At the top left of the screen, click the edit icon:
. The Edit Grid Name pop-up appears.
- Enter the name for the modifiers grid. It is recommended to name the grid after the POS location. For example, "Bistro Modifiers".
- Click Change Name to apply the new name.
Activating a Modifiers Grid for a POS Location
To activate a modifiers grid for a POS location, you assign it to the POS location. To do so:
- While on the Macro Grids screen (POS Settings > Grids), click the modifiers grid name link to open its grid screen.
- In the POS Location field at the top right of the grid screen (below the Update Meal Grid button), select the POS location to assign the modifiers grid to.
- Click the Update Meal Grid button to apply your changes.
Note: A POS location can only be assigned one modifiers grid. Therefore, if you do not see the POS location from the POS Location field, it indicates that another modifiers grid is assigned to that POS location. If necessary to break an existing POS location/modifiers grid assignment, then open the other modifiers grid, remove the POS location from its POS Location field, and then click the Update Meal Grid button to apply the change.
Configuring a Modifiers Grid
- Select POS Settings > Grids. The Macro Grids screen appears.
- Click the grid name of the modifiers grid to configure. The screen specific to the modifiers grid appears.
- A modifier grid exists separately for each meal period (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and as such can be independently modified for a meal period. Click the meal period tab (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner) of the modifiers grid you want to modify.
- Depending on what you want to modify, refer to the appropriate topic below:
Adding a Modifier to a Sub_Page "Modifier Category" Tile
With the modifier grid for the meal period (breakfast, lunch, dinner) open (as per above steps), complete the following steps to add a modifier to a sub_page "modifier category" tile:
- For the sub_page "modifier category" tile that you want to add a modifier to, click its
icon or
icon to open the slide-out panel of its modifier tiles (second screenshot below).
- For an empty tile, click its Add link (first screenshot below). The Add New Tile pop-up appears (second screenshot below).
- Click Modifier at the top of the pop-up. The pop-up refreshes accordingly.
- In the Modifier Name field, enter a name for the modifier.
- In the $ field, you can enter a cost for the modifier (e.g., .50).
- Click the Add New button to close the pop-up and add the modifier tile to the grid in the slide-out panel.
- You can X out of the slide-out panel (it is not necessary to click the Update Sub Page button).
Removing a Modifier from a Sub-Page "Modifier Category" Tile
With the modifier grid for the meal period (breakfast, lunch, dinner) open (as per above steps), complete the following steps to remove a modifier from a sub_page "modifier category" tile:
- For the sub_page "modifier category" tile that you want to remove a modifier from, click its
icon or
icon to open the slide-out panel of its modifier tiles (second screenshot below).
- For the modifier tile you want to remove, click its remove icon. A confirmation message appears (second screenshot below).
- Click OK to the confirmation message. The modifier tile is removed from the grid in the slide-out panel.
- You can X out of the slide-out panel (it is not necessary to click the Update Sub Page button).
Adding a New Sub_Page "Modifier Category" Tile
With the modifier grid for the meal period (breakfast, lunch, dinner) open (as per above steps), complete the following steps to add a new sub_page "modifier category" tile:
- Click the Add link for an empty tile (first screenshot below). The Add New Tile pop-up appears (second screenshot below).
- Click Sub page at the top of the pop-out. The pop-out refreshes accordingly.
- In the Sub Page Name field, enter a name for the sub_page "modifier category" tile.
- Click the Add New button. The pop-up is closed and a grid of empty modifier tiles appears in a slide-out panel for the newly-created sub_page.
- Add the modifiers as needed by following the instructions above, starting at step 2: Adding a Modifier to a Sub_Page "Modifier Category" Tile.
Adding an Image to a Modifier Category (i.e., sub_page) Tile
A modifier category tile (i.e., sub_page tile) can be branded with a system image for easier identification on the POS. Note that the images are available are system images and at this time there is no ability to use outside images or edit existing system images.
- Select POS Settings > Grids. The Grids screen appears.
- Click the grid name link of the grid you want to edit.
- For the modifier category (i.e., sub_page) tile to which you want to add an image, click its image icon (first screenshot below). The Add Images window appears displaying a library of system images (second screenshot below).
- Select the desired image and click the Save button. You are returned to the main page where the tile displays its newly-added image.
Adding an Image to a Modifier Tile
A modifier tile can be branded with a system image for easier identification on the POS. Note that the images are available are system images and at this time there is no ability to use outside images or edit existing system images.
- Select POS Settings > Grids. The Grids screen appears.
- Click the grid name link of the grid you want to edit.
- Click the
icon or
icon on the modifier category (i.e., sub_page) tile (first screenshot below) to open the slide-out panel of its modifier tiles (second screenshot below).
- For the modifier tile to which you want to add an image, click its image icon (first screenshot below). The Add Images window appears displaying a library of system images (second screenshot below).
- Select the desired image and click the Save button. You are returned to the main page where the tile displays its newly-added image.
Adding a Colour to a Modifier Category (i.e., sub_page) Tile
A modifier category tile (i.e., sub_page tile) can be branded with a colour for easier identification on the POS.
- Select POS Settings > Grids. The Grids screen appears.
- Click the grid name link of the grid you want to edit.
- For the modifier category (i.e., sub_page) tile to which you want to add a colour, click its paintbrush icon (first screenshot below). The Edit tile pop-up appears (second screenshot below).
- Click the paintbrush icon (
). The pop-up refreshes with a row of available colours.
- Click the colour you want to add to the tile.
- Click the Edit [name of tile] button. You are returned to the main page where the tile displays its newly-added colour.
Adding a Colour to a Modifier Tile
A modifier tile can be branded with a colour for easier identification on the POS.
- Select POS Settings > Grids. The Grids screen appears.
- Click the grid name link of the grid you want to edit.
- Click the
icon or
icon on the modifier category (i.e., sub_page) tile (first screenshot below) to open the slide-out panel of its modifier tiles (second screenshot below).
- For the modifier tile to which you want to add a colour, click its paintbrush icon (first screenshot below). The Edit Tile pop-up appears (second screenshot below).
- Click the paintbrush icon (
). The pop-up refreshes with a row of available colours.
- Click the colour you want to add to the tile.
- Click the Edit [name of tile] button. You are returned to the main page where the tile displays its newly-added colour.