- About Product Identifier Cards (Recipes)
- Report Settings
- Adjusting Scaling When Printing the PDF Report
About Product Identifier Cards (Recipes)
The Product Identifier Cards report generates retail labels of selected recipes. Typically a product identifier card is used for buffet and catering items. A product identifier card consists of the following:
- Recipe name
- Recipe description
- Any tags applied to recipes
- Logo (optional)
- Calories and fat content (optional)
- Retail price entered for the recipe (optional)
Report Settings
After selecting the recipes to generate in the report, then from the left side of the screen select the Product Identifier Cards option. The Product Identifier Cards section appears for you to select the label report settings.
- # of labels to print (per Recipe) - select how many labels you want to print of each selected recipe.
Label Size:
- 3.5" X 2" (10 By Page) - generates 3.5" x 2" labels (maximum 10 per page)
- 6" X 4" (2 By Page) - generates 6" x 4" labels (maximum 2 per page)
- Font Style - choose from Arial (default), Garamond, Century Gothic, or Time New Roman.
- Include Logo - the logo for your account will be applied to the top right of the label
- Include Calories and Fat - includes the calories and fat content.
- Include Retail Price - includes the retail price entered for the recipe.
Adjusting Scaling When Printing the PDF Report
If experiencing scaling or alignment issues when printing stickers/labels, such as text being cut off, you can adjust the scale percentage to what best fits your printer. The means to do this depends if you are printing from your browser or from your PDF reader (if the report has been downloaded).
Adjusting Scaling from Browser
If printing the PDF report from your browser (either Microsoft® Edge and Google Chrome™), complete the following steps to adjust the scale percentage:
- Open the printer window.
- Expand the More Settings section (screenshot below shows Chrome).
- If using Chrome, select Custom from the Scale drop-down, and enter 100 in the percentage field.
- If using Edge, select the percentage field option under the Scale (%) section, and enter 100 in the percentage field.
- Print one page of the report to test.
- If the alignment is not accurate at 100%, then adjust the scale percentage accordingly to find the percentage that best fits your printer.
Adjusting Scaling from PDF Reader
If you downloaded the report and are printing from your PDF reader, complete the following steps to adjust the scale percentage:
- Open the printer window.
- Select the Custom Scale option, and enter 100 in the percentage field.
- Print one page of the report to test.
- If the alignment is not accurate at 100%, then adjust the scale percentage accordingly to find the percentage that best fits your printer.