- Opening the Recipes Listing Screen
- Customizing the Recipes Listing Screen via Filter and Search Tools
- Sorting How Information is Displayed Onscreen
Opening the Recipes Listing Screen
The recipe list available to your account is viewed on the Recipes Listing screen (screenshot below), which is opened by selecting Recipes > Recipe Listings.
Customizing the Recipes Listing Screen via Filter and Search Tools
On the Recipes Listing screen, the following filter and search tools can be used independently or in combination with each other to determine the recipe list displayed onscreen.
- Search
- Filters
- The Does Not Contain Option
- Display Options
- Example Scenarios for Using Filters Effectively
In the Search field you can search for a recipe by its name or ID. Entering a partial name or partial IDs will return all results that match.
Note that if the message below is returned, it indicates that you currently have filters enabled or display options enabled that are preventing the recipe from appearing. Adjust the filters to run the search again. You can click the View all matching results link to see what the results would be when not blocked by your filter or display options.
Returns recipes that match your inputted criteria. For example, if you want to see recipes in your “BBQ Day” menu, you would select the “BBQ Day” menu in the Search by Menu field, and then click GO to apply the filter. The screen refreshes with recipes that are in the BBQ Day menu.
- Recipe Box - displays recipes of one or more recipe boxes.
- Categories - displays recipes of one or more recipe categories.
- Creator - displays recipes from MealSuite accounts that created the recipes.
- Ingredients - displays recipes containing one or more ingredients, or displays recipes not of one or more ingredients (see "The Does not Contain Option" below for more information).
- Owner - displays recipes from MealSuite accounts that own the recipes.
- Tags - displays recipes of one or more IDDSI tags, diet order tags, or custom tags.
- Allergens - display recipes containing one or more allergens.
- Last Reviewed - displays recipes of a certain date range that were last opened in your account.
- Search by Menu - displays recipes of one or more menus.
- Cook Method - displays recipes of one or more cook methods, or displays recipes not of one or more cook methods (see "The Does not Contain Option" below for more information).
- Rating - displays recipes of one or more selected ratings (1 - 5).
Unpublished - displays recipes currently unpublished.
The Does Not Contain Option
The Ingredients and Cook Method filters have the “does not contain” option, as indicated by the red cross-out icon:
With the “does not contain” option selected, the system will return results not containing the inputted value. For example, for Ingredients, if the inputted value is “milk”, the results returned would be recipes not containing milk as an ingredient (i.e., everything else but milk).
Display Options
Allows for filtering via the following options:
- My Recipes Only - shows recipes with the My Recipes label for the Recipe Box. Click here for more information regarding the My Recipes label.
- Corporate Recipes Only - if your MealSuite account is a corporate account, then this option shows recipes created by your MealSuite corporate account.
- Hide Prepared Foods - hides any prepared foods that are recipes.
- Any - clears a selected display option.
When you select a display option, the system keeps that option selected the next time you visit the screen.
Note: As noted, the above tools work in combination with each other. Therefore, if your search results are not what is expected, remember to adjust each tool accordingly.
Example Scenarios for Using Filters Effectively
Combine the filters with bulk edit feature to save you time.
For example, you can filter recipes that contain a certain ingredient and then use bulk edit feature to add the recipes to a Like & Dislikes group.
Another useful example is to filter recipes with cook methods that are not used in your kitchen and then unpublish these recipes through the bulk edit feature so that the recipes are not added to your menus.
Sorting How Information is Displayed Onscreen
You can sort how the the content onscreen is displayed by the information in a specific column. By clicking a column header, the info in that column will be sorted in descending order, and clicking it again will sort the screen in ascending order. Clicking it a third time reverts to no sort order.